Teacher Incentive Allotment

  • The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was established by HB 3 in an effort to reward, retain, and recruit highly effective teachers. Part of the Teacher Incentive Allotment allows for Nationally Board-Certified teachers to automatically earn a minimum annual allotment of $3,000. For more information about the Teacher Incentive Allotment, please visit: https://tiatexas.org/ Katy ISD is currently in the application stage of developing a Local Designation system for our District. However, a Nationally Board-Certified teacher is automatically eligible to receive a Recognized Designation with or without a Local Designation system in place.  


    National Board Certification (NBC) is a voluntary, advanced teaching credential that goes beyond state licensure. NBC has national standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do. The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certifies teachers who successfully complete its rigorous certification process. National Board Certification is available in 25 certificate areas representing 16 different disciplines and four developmental levels and is applicable to most teachers in U.S. public schools. In an effort to encourage teachers to earn their National Board Certification, the state will reimburse fees paid to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards upon completion of the program. To learn more about National Board Certification, the categories for Board Certification and the TIA, please visit https://tiatexas.org/national-board-certification/. If you are interested in the TIA funding allotments for your campus, please visit The TIA Funding Map: https://tiatexas.org/teacher-incentive-allotment-funding-map/  For general information about National Board Certification in Texas, please visit: National Board Certification in Texas: https://www.nbpts.org/texas/ .


    Teachers can earn a Recognized designation for TIA if they become a National Board Certificated Teacher (NBCT). National Board Certification (NBC) was designed to develop, retain, and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. It is the most respected professional certification available in education and provides numerous benefits to teachers, students and schools.


    Region 4 offers teachers pursuing NBC with learning, support, and resources through self-paced, online professional development. These opportunities will provide a deepened understanding of National Board, experience how to implement instructional strategies, and determine goals for successful completion of National Board Certification. See below for more information and register on the Region 4 website.


    The Region 4 National Board Candidate Cohort (R4NBC2) will no longer be accepting candidates, with the last cohort completing component work during the 2024-2025 school year. Please reach out to Texas National Board Coalition for information about joining a cohort.


    For more information, email NBCTR4@esc4.net.


    If you would like to become Nationally Board Certified without going through a Region IV cohort, you can find out more information or get started at www.nbpts.org/certification/get-started/ .


    Click the following link to view instructions on how to get reimbursed through the Katy ISD TIA program: Employee Self Service Reimbursement Instructions


    The Katy ISD contact for TIA or NBCT questions is Dr. Neta Hill. She can be reached at 281.396.2260 or at netayhill@katyisd.org