2024 - 2025 Board of Trustees
Front row: Dawn Champagne, Member; Victor Perez, President; Amy Thieme, Vice-President
Back row: Mary Ellen Cuzela, Secretary; Rebecca Fox, Member; Morgan Calhoun, Member; Lance Redmon, Member
Katy ISD Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees acts as the school district’s policy-making body and is the official trustee of the people for all public education in Katy ISD. The Board functions according to state and federal laws, the rules and regulations established by the State Board of Education, the Texas Education Agency and the will of the people as expressed in district elections.
The seven member board, while composed of individuals, acts officially only as a group. No member or group of members acts in the name of the Board unless authorized by the Board. A majority of the Board constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business. Individual trustees, serving without pay, are elected for three-year terms on a rotating basis. Elections are conducted on the first Saturday of May. While candidates run for specific positions on the ballot, they represent the entire district as Board members.
The Board of Trustees elects a president, vice president, and secretary to serve one-year terms. It selects and employs the superintendent and delegates the responsibility and authority for the operation of the school district to the chief executive officer. The superintendent advises board members on all matters concerning school management.
Order of Business
Regular Board Meetings begin with Open Forum. Guided by the agenda, the Board discusses and acts on routine business items.
Other items on the agenda may include reports or presentations by staff members along with discussion by the Board.
Katy Independent School District provides a balanced, dynamic curriculum which supports academic excellence for all students. Instruction is designed to educate students in listening, speaking, reading, writing, calculating, and thinking skills through a research-based continuum of learning while incorporating technology, scientific, and vocational skills. Students will be provided with the skills to become life-long learners and productive, responsible, members of the community.
Mission Statement
Katy Independent School District, the leader in educational excellence, together with family and community, provides unparalleled learning experiences designed to prepare and inspire each student to live an honorable, fulfilling life ... to create the future.
Vision Statement
Be the legacy.
For more information, contact Debra Davies, Secretary for Board Services at debrajroachdavies@katyisd.org .