• Therapeutic Intervention Program

    What's Required

    Each school district shall provide services to students with disabilities in order to meet the needs of those students in accordance with 34 CFR § 300.26.Instructional arrangements/settings shall be based on the individual needs and IEPs of eligible students receiving special education services.

    What We Do

    Therapeutic Intervention Program (TIP)

    The Therapeutic Intervention Program is a centralized self-contained educational placement designed for students in need of a specialized curriculum that includes therapeutically based instruction. The TIP placement provides extensive interventions in a positive caring and nurturing environment designed to address the IEP goals and individual needs of students.

    Students placed in the TIP program must meet eligibility requirements for special education services and exhibit severe physical, medical, and cognitive impairments that inhibit successful educational achievement within a less restrictive environment.

    Student progress is reviewed annually by the ARD Committee to consider placement in a less restrictive instructional arrangement. The student's ARD committee includes the parents of the student, a special education teacher, a speech-language pathologist, an educational diagnostician, related services personnel as appropriate to the student and a general education teacher. Committee members are responsible for reviewing formal and informal assessments. The TIP teacher maintains documentation of communication with the student's parents and facilitates collaboration among all parties to ensure that the student makes progress in meeting his/her IEP goals/objectives.

    The severity of the needs of the students in the classroom requires staffing that includes a certified teacher, paraprofessional, and nurse.