Special Education Operating Guidelines
Page Navigation
- Home
- Accessible Instructional Materials
- Accommodations, Modifications, Supplementary Aids and Services
- Adapted Physical Education
- Adaptive Equipment
- ARD-IEP Committee
- Assistive Technology
- Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
- Autism
- Commensurate School Day
- Conducting the Evaluation
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- Development of the IEP
- Disability Categories
- Discipline
- Discontinuing Special Education Services
- Dyslexia
- Early Childhood
- Eligibility Determination and Documentation
- Extended School Year Services
- Field Trips
- Full and Individual Initial Evaluation
- Glossary of Terms
- Grade Placement Committee and Graduation
- Health and Medical Services
- Homebound Services
- Identification
- In Home Community Based Training
- Independent Educational Evaluation
- LIFE Skills
- Mainstream (In-Class Support Services)
- Music Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Out of District Programs
- Parent Concerns
- Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System
- Physical Therapy
- Private, Religious, and Home Schools
- Programs and Placement
- Re-evaluations
- Referral Process and Initial Evaluations
- Residential Facilities Monitoring
- Resource
- Response to Intervention
- Section 504 and Americans with Disabilities Act
- Special Education Rules and Regulations
- Speech-Language Services
- SPP Data Collection
- State Assessment
- State Performance Plan
- Student Records
- Therapeutic Intervention Program
- Transition Policies and Procedures
- Translation and Interpretation
- Transportation
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Visual Impairment
Out of District Programs
What's Required
Texas Administrative Code § 89.61. Contracting for Residential Educational Placements for Students with Disabilities. Residential placement. A school district may contract for residential placement of a student when the student's admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee determines that a residential placement is necessary in order for the student to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE).The school district has the following responsibilities when making a residential placement:
Before the school district places a student with a disability in, or refers a student to, a residential facility, the district shall initiate and conduct a meeting of the student's ARD committee to develop an IEP for the student in accordance with 34 Code of Federal Regulations, §§ 300.320-300.325, state statutes, and Commissioner of Education rules.
What We Do
When a student who is already served in a self-contained classroom/program shows increasingly severe challenging behaviors that pose a threat to the safety of the student and/or other people despite the consistent implementation of the Behavior Intervention Plan and other intervention supports, a staffing staff is scheduled to review students' programming, consider other possible interventions, review current data, and discuss the continuum of supports. The staffing would include the following members: Program Administrator, program staff, LSSP, home campus Diagnostician, Behavior Specialist, Instructional Officer-Autism and Behavior Programs, and Special Education Director.
If warranted, the Administrator schedules a parent conference to discuss the outcome of staffing and to receive input from parents. The administrator shares info from parents with the Instructional Officer and Special Education Director. A non-Public School Administrator is contacted and an Admission, Review and Dismissal meeting is scheduled to review IEPs, discuss program, placement and options for continuum of support.
Once the ARD committee has agreed on an out of district placement, it will determine a reintegration plan and implementation timeline. The Katy Independent School District (KISD) administrator will initiate the transfer process and facilitate a site visit for the parents to the Non-Public School campus. Scheduled site visits with students and non-public school staff will be initiated through KISD Behavior Specialist and Administrator every 6 weeks or more often as needed for continued support of school.
Based on individual student needs while attending non-public school campuses, the KISD Program administrator and diagnostician will coordinate staffing meetings and/or ARD meetings to discuss the student's IEP progress, programming and reintegration plan.