• Out of District Programs

    What's Required

    Texas Administrative Code § 89.61. Contracting for Residential Educational Placements for Students with Disabilities. Residential placement.  A school district may contract for residential placement of a student when the student's admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee determines that a residential placement is necessary in order for the student to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

    The school district  has the following responsibilities when making  a residential placement:

    Before the school district places a student with a disability in, or refers a student to, a residential facility,  the district shall initiate and conduct a meeting of the student's ARD committee to develop an IEP for the student in accordance  with 34 Code of Federal Regulations, §§ 300.320-300.325,  state statutes, and Commissioner of Education rules.

    What We Do

    ​When a student who is already served in a self-contained classroom/program shows increasingly severe challenging behaviors that pose a threat to the safety of the student and/or other people despite the consistent implementation of the Behavior Intervention Plan and other intervention supports, a staffing staff is scheduled to review students' programming, consider other possible interventions, review current data, and discuss the continuum of supports. The staffing would include the following members: Program Administrator, program staff, LSSP, home campus Diagnostician, Behavior Specialist, Instructional Officer-Autism and Behavior Programs, and Special Education Director.

    If warranted, the Administrator schedules a parent conference to discuss the outcome of staffing and to receive input from parents. The administrator shares info from parents with the Instructional Officer and Special Education Director. A non-Public School Administrator is contacted and an Admission, Review and Dismissal meeting is scheduled to review IEPs, discuss program​, placement and options for continuum of support.

    Once the ARD committee has agreed on an out of district placement, it will determine a reintegration plan and implementation timeline. The Katy Independent School District (KISD) administrator will initiate the transfer process and facilitate a site visit for the parents to the Non-Public School campus. Scheduled site visits with students and non-public school staff will be initiated through KISD Behavior Specialist and Administrator every 6 weeks or more often as needed for continued support of school.

    Based on individual student needs while attending non-public school campuses, the KISD Program administrator and diagnostician will coordinate staffing meetings and/or ARD meetings to discuss the student's IEP progress, programming and reintegration plan.