Course Descriptions
Active Shooter Response #3305
This dynamic course of instruction is designed to prepare the first responder to isolate, distract, and neutralize an active shooter. This course will cover shooting and moving, threshold evaluation, concepts and principles of team movement, setting up for and room entry techniques, approach and breaching the crisis site, secondary responder tactics, improvised explosive devices, and post engagement priorities of work. The course will culminate with dynamic force‑on‑force scenarios.
Canine Encounters #4065
The purpose of the course is to provide the officer with the needed requirements/knowledge of Canine Encounters. This course is a legislatively mandated course and is to be completed not later than the second anniversary of the date the officer is licensed and as a requirement for an intermediate or advanced proficiency certificate issued after January 1, 2016.
E-Tag "Paper Tag" Enforcement
E-Tag/Paper tag enforcement is intended to assist law enforcement officers, dispatchers, magistrates, and prosecutors in the identification and understanding of the various types of E-Tags/paper tags and the information contained within the E-Tags/paper tags.
Introduction to Cyber Crimes #3373
This course will give the responding officer a basic skillset on the concepts, complexities, and possible obstacles they may encounter as they start to investigate numerous types of cyber-related incidents. Our 8-hour workshop will introduce the officer to various tools they can use for their own investigation and ultimately, they will be trained on how to reverse engineer and identify the entity on the other end of that lead. Upon successful completion of this course, the officer will be able to list the steps required for an investigation, identify the tools they will need to conduct these investigations, and they will demonstrate proficiency in these skillsets through a class lab activity.
PPCT Defensive Tactics:
The PPCT Defensive Tactics Course equips law enforcement officers with proper defense tactics that are vital to establishing control and defending oneself in assaults. The PPCT Defensive Tactics Course is the first subject control system developed through tactical, legal, and medical research. The system addresses the most common types of resistance that law enforcement officers may encounter. The course is designed so that participants learn job-related techniques pertaining to self-defense. Topics include defensive counterstrikes, joint locks, PPCT control principles, PPCT impact weapon system, pressure point control tactics, survival learning research, and tactical handcuffing.
Emergency Vehicle Operations #2046
In this course students will become familiar with terminology, driving skills, and liability issues that relate to operating emergency vehicles. This includes hands on driving exercises that will enhance an officer's ability to operate a vehicle during an emergency situation by teaching personal and vehicle control limitations.
Field Training Officer #3702
The course is based on TCOLE curriculum and will provide the aspiring Field Training Officer with the teaching of supervisory skills necessary to assist new recruits in any law enforcement discipline including dispatchers, detention, records and patrol. The course will train the FTO on how to assist recruits in successfully transitioning from a classroom setting to an actual hands-on/field assignment. The course includes training in instructional techniques, training methodology, coaching and evaluation, counseling, remedial training and documentation.
Fundamentals of DWI
This course will give you a brief overview on the Fundamentals of DWI Investigations and Enforcement. It will improve the skills for law enforcement officers in detecting and arresting impaired drivers, preparing for cases for prosecution, and a brief overview on Field Sobriety Tests. This course will provide law enforcement officers in knowing the functions it takes to process a DWI Investigation.
Law Enforcement Prevention and Deterrance to Terrorism
This course trains law enforcement personnel on actions they can take to prevent, deter and respond to terrorist acts. The law enforcement officer is part of the front line defense in preventing and deterring WMD terrorist incidents where the release of WMD agents is likely to occur because of criminal actions. The nature of law enforcement officers' daily work environment provides them with an enhanced understanding of the community not shared by the public. This heightened community awareness provides law enforcement officers with a unique opportunity to prevent or deter potential WMD terrorist incidents. This awareness level course focuses on the recognition, prevention, and deterrence of terrorist activity and crime-related high consequence events for law enforcement and other public safety professionals. Subject areas covered in the course include intelligence gathering, threat recognition, community-oriented policing, counterfeit identification detection, information sharing among agencies and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) agents or materials that can be procured either legitimately or illegally to produce a WMD.
Off Duty Encounters
This 2 day (16 Hr) course is designed to prepare Officers for situations that may require intervention while off duty. Students will learn the appropriate actions to be used during an off duty encounter and the appropriate actions an off duty officer should use when confronted by another member of law enforcement. Students will also learn the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of carry, brands and types of holsters and different makes and models of off duty firearms. This course includes both range time and class room time.
No weapons smaller than .380 caliber, 200 rounds of ammo, off duty style weapon and holster, range style attire.
Patrol Rifle #3322
This is a basic 2 day, 16 hr,Patrol Rifle Course. Officers will become familiarized with the AR-15/M16 style rifle and will learn the basic gun-handling skills that are necessary to safely operate and maintain the rifle. Officers will also learn about safety, nomenclature, advantages & disadvantages, disassembly/reassembly, care & cleaning, sighting, marksmanship, carrying & shooting positions and much more. Time will be spent at the range. Topics will include, but are not limited to: transition drills, movement, cover and concealment, multiple threats, unconventional positions, shooting, and proficiency test. Student Materials Needed:
- Rifle (AR-15)/(M16),w/at least 2 magazines
- Duty gear / Duty weapon
- Body Armor (which is optional)
- Eye and Ear protection and a billed cap or hat
- Good sturdy boots or shoes (Don't wear your good Duty boots or shoes).
- Cleaning kit
- Approximately 300 rounds of rifle ammunition and approximately 100 rounds of pistol ammunition.
- Water/Cold drinks and Snacks (optional)
- Athletic Tape (optional)
Police Bicycle Patrol #3358
The Police Bike Patrol class is a physically demanding class and you do need to be prepared for it. This class will test you physically and mentally. It is a class that you need to be prepared for in advance by riding anywhere from 5-10 miles or more a day leading up to the class. During the class you will be doing skills testing to see how well you can control the bike and operate the gears while riding. We will be riding anywhere from 10 to 25 miles a day which will include concrete trails, hills, and dirt trails. The instructors do everything they can to make it a fun and enjoyable class as well as ensuring everyone passes. In the past there have been several people drop from the class or the instructor has had to send them home because they physically could not do the skills testing or keep up on the group rides. In all these cases, the student advised the instructors that they did not prepare for the class and had not been training on a bike. If you prepare for the class, you'll do fine. Also, please remember to hydrate a few days leading up to the class and all through the class. It is suggested you bring several water bottles and if you have a Camelbak, bring it. We will take several breaks during the day to keep everyone hydrated. Also, please bring extra tubes and patch kits for your bikes. Someone will experience flat tires. You need to be prepared for the class when you show up on the first day. It will be an enjoyable class if you are prepared. Clothing for the class will be workout attire (i.e. shorts, t-shirts, running shoes) or whatever the weather dictates. Don't forget, your helmet is mandatory and gloves are highly recommended.
The student will learn operating principals for police traffic RADAR and LIDAR. The course consists of approximately four hours of classroom training and outside hands on operation of RADAR and LIDAR. Students are to bring a working handheld police RADAR and/or LIDAR if possible. Depending on the time of year and weather sunscreen and appropriate clothing for the weather is recommended.
Rifle Tactics
This course is designed to teach Police Officers to build off skills learned in the basic patrol rifle class. Officers will become more proficient and confident in the use and deployment of the patrol rifle. Topics will refresh the Officer's basic knowledge of the patrol rifle. Additional topics / range time will challenge Officer's skills with reloads, malfunctions, movement to and from cover and concealment, communication and Officer Down Drills.
School Based Law Enforcement #4064
The Katy ISD Police Department's Training Division will host TCOLE course #4064, 20-hour, two and a half day training to help school districts comply with recent legislative changes. SB 11 (OC Sec 1701.263 b) that requires a district employing a peace/resource officer to create a policy requiring officers to complete education and training* before or within 180 days of placement (the 30,000-enrollment minimum no longer applies).
Topics will include:
- Child and Adolescent Development and Psychology
- Mental Health and Crisis Intervention
- De-escalation Techniques and Techniques for Limiting the Use of Force
- Mental and Behavioral Health Needs of Children with Disabilities or Special Needs
- Positive Behavioral Interventions
Spanish for Law Enforcement ICC #2109
This course is primarily designed to give students the tools necessary to hear key words or phrases that could signal a threat and to respond verbally in situations where one or more subjects need to be controlled for the safety of the officer, the subject(s) and bystanders. Additionally, this course has been designed to promote a deeper understanding of the Hispanic population in the state of Texas.
Spotting Lies-Investigative Statement Analysis Course
Investigative Statement Analysis is the structured examination of a person's verbatim words. It is an investigative tool used to detect truth and/or deception in written statements, oral statements, transcripts, 911 calls, newspaper articles and other statements. Course taught by Precision Intelligence Consulting.
This course provides the basic operational theory and practical training to instruct users to reasonably safely and effectively operate TASER CEWs. This course covers the TASER X26P and X2 CEWs, and will certify those who successfully complete the course as TASER basic instructors for a period of 2 years from the date of certification. This course is open to sworn law enforcement officers, military personnel, and licensed professional security employees. Part 1 of the courses is completed online. Part 2 consists of practical training and final certification.