• SAT School Day

    The SAT focuses on knowledge and skills that research indicates are essential for career and college success.

    Katy ISD will administer the digital SAT School Day to all 11th graders at no cost to enrolled students. Students will automatically be registered for the SAT administration by the district. Testing will take place at each campus.

Katy ISD Spring SAT School Day Dates by Campus

Katy ISD Spring SAT School Day Dates by Campus
  • For SAT School Day information, please read the parent letter. Students can prepare for this exam by reviewing the information in the SAT School Day Student Guide. Students can use the information located on College Board’s website to create a study plan.

    College Board deadline to request accommodations for the Spring 2025 SAT School Day is January 27, 2025. Most campuses require requests be submitted 2-3 weeks prior to the College Board deadline so that there is time to collect the required documentation. Please contact the Testing Facilitator at your campus.

Testing Facilitators by Campus