• ​​​​​​​​​​​​​Prekindergarten Family Engagement

    Katy ISD has developed and implemented this prekindergarten family engagement plan to assist the district in achieving and maintaining high levels of family engagement in prekindergarten and positive family attitudes toward education at the prekindergarten level.  This family engagement plan is designed to support six components of family engagement critical to the development of a high-quality prekindergarten program.  The six components and supporting family engagement activities are outlined below.  Additionally, resources to support at-home learning during the COVID-19 crisis have been added to engage our youngest learners at this difficult time.  Click on each link for details regarding the activities and programs listed below.

    NEW!  At-Home Learning Resources for Prekindergarten Students

    Prekindergarten Family Engagement Plan

    Facilitate Family-to-Family Support

    Katy ISD Partners in Education

    Katy ISD's Partners in Education department coordinates a variety of activities to bring parents and community members together in support of Katy ISD students and teachers. Partners in Education connects families, teachers, and students through mentoring programs, volunteer opportunities, and community outreach efforts. ​

    District Parent Centers

    The district's Office of Other Languages operates four parent centers designed to facilitate parent involvement and parent networking opportunities for immigrant families and the parents of English language learners. 

    Establish a network of community resources

    Support Services for Homeless Students

    The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and young people.  Katy ISD also provides supplemental educational services to homeless students in need and connects families with community-based resources as well. 

    Special Education and Child Find

    Child Find is a process designed to locate, identify, and evaluate children with disabilities who are in need of Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Programs or Special Education and Related Services.  Child Find is available to all children in the community from birth to age 21.

    Increase family participation in decision-making

    Campus Advisory Teams

    Each campus has a Campus Advisory Team (CAT) comprised of administrators, campus and district staff, parents, and community members.  The team provides input on the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) and the campus's goals and strategies for improving student achievement. Members are selected by the school administration at the beginning of each school year.  Contact the campus directly for more information.

    • Title I Advisory Committees Parents on Title I campuses have the opportunity to participate in Title I Advisory Committee meetings at the campus and district levels. The meetings provide parents with the opportunity to provide feedback on title guidelines, parent involvement policies, and the use of Title I funds.


    Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)

    According to state policy, we are required to have a parent of an English learner who participates in a bilingual education or English as a second language (ESL) program serve on our school’s LPAC. The LPAC serves as the advocate for English learners to make certain they receive the appropriate services. We are asking for parent volunteers who would be willing to serve as our parent member of the LPAC. You will receive training at the first LPAC meeting and then be asked to assist the team in identifying and placing students in the appropriate program for language development and academic success. In addition, parent volunteers will participate in annual reviews and other meetings, as necessary, to ensure student progress. If you would be willing to serve on the LPAC, please fill out the information below and send the form to school with your child. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Ham at jenniferham@katyisd.org.

    Equip families with tools to enhance and extend learning

    Campus Family Learning Events

    Each prekindergarten campus hosts family learning events that are open to all families on the campus.  These events are designed to expose families to learning resources that can be used in the home.  Check your campus's website for upcoming events.

    Develop staff skills in evidence-based practices that support families in meeting their children's learning benchmarks

    Circle Progress Monitoring Parent Reports

    Teachers receive extensive training in best practices for sharing resources from the Children's Learning Institute with families.  Teachers are trained to support parents in interpreting Circle Progress Monitoring data, and they assist parents in accessing the Children's Learning Institute's online Parent Connection learning activities.

    District Advisory Meetings

    Through participation on district advisory committees, prekindergarten teachers across the district come together to discuss the importance of engaging families and to share best practices and tools for effective parent outreach. 

    Evaluate family engagement efforts and use evaluations for continuous improvement.

    From parent feedback forms at family events to district-wide parent surveys, a variety of methods and data are used to collect feedback.  The Office of Interventions uses this information to evaluate the effectiveness of current prekindergarten family engagement practices and to plan for the next school year.  ​ 

    Prekindergarten Program Evaluation

    The District conducts a self-assessment to identify prekindergarten program strengths, challenges, and focus on areas for continued growth.  2023-2024 Prekindergarten Evaluation

Contact Us

  • Heather DeVries, Director of Interventions
    Shelli Wright, Secretary
    Phone: (281) 237-7062

    Meredith Smith, Instructional Officer for Pre-K Curriculum, (281) 396-2027