Secondary ESL

Kimberly Mitchell, Instructional Officer


  • Katy ISD Secondary ESL seeks to provide a quality program that differentiates and scaffolds instruction according to each secondary Emergent Bilingual's level of language proficiency across all content areas while supporting their affective, linguistic and cognitive needs.

Program Goals

  • Goal 1: Affective - Emergent Bilinguals are provided instruction using second language acquisition methods in English to introduce basic concepts of the school environment which instills confidence, self-assurance, and a positive identity with their cultural heritage. The program addresses the history and cultural heritage associated with both the students' home language and the United States.
    Goal 2: Linguistic – Emergent Bilinguals are provided intensive instruction to develop proficiency in the comprehension, speaking, reading and composition of the English language. Instruction in academic content areas is structured to ensure that the students master the required essential knowledge and skills and higher order thinking skills.
    Goal 3: Cognitive – Emergent Bilinguals are provided instruction in English across the content areas utilizing second language acquisition methods to ensure mastery of the grade level essential knowledge and skills and higher order thinking skills.

Program Models

  • Emergent Bilinguals are entitled to receive all English Language Arts/Reading instruction with an ESL-certified language arts teacher.  In addition, linguistic accommodations in all content classes provide the support needed to comprehend the grade-level content material while acquiring the English language.  A student's course placement is based on his/her English proficiency level as seen below:

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