Katy Independent School District is committed to the health and safety of all employees in the workplace. If you are injured at work or suffer a work-related illness, it is our top priority to make sure you receive the care you need. To ensure you receive benefits, please report any on the job injury or illness IMMEDIATELY to your supervisor.
Workers' Compensation benefits help pay for medical treatment and make-up for part of the income lost while recovering from injury. Employees who are unable to work due to a work-related injury or illness will be notified of their rights and responsibilities under the Texas Labor Code.
Employees with questions about workers' compensation should contact Katy ISD Risk Management.
Contact Us
Leslie Adams, Last Names A-M
Phone: (281) 396-2422
Email: Leslie AdamsLarissa Moore, Last Names N-Z
Phone: (281) 396-2143
Email: Larissa MooreCheryl Taylor
Phone: (281) 396-2212
Email: Cheryl TaylorTexas Department of Insurance - Workers' Compensation Division
Phone: (800) 252-7031. Option 1