Student Accident Insurance
The University Interscholastic League (UIL) Accident Policy is paid for by the District and provides medical benefits for accidents incurred by students who participate in UIL sanctioned activities, such as athletics, fine arts, and career and technical education. Benefits are provided on an excess basis – meaning the plan is secondary to any other available insurance the participant may have. Coverage pays the applicable benefit, subject to the deductible and coinsurance percentage (if any), that are in excess of Covered Charges payable by any other valid and collectible insurance or plan, including ERISA or self-funded.
Program Summary
- Premium paid by the school district
- Benefits are provided on an excess basis
- 52-Week Benefit Period form the Date of Injury
- 90-Day period to submit signed Claim Form from Date of Injury
- 180-Day Initial Treatment Period from Date of Injury
Voluntary Accident Insurance
The Brokerage Store offers Accident-Only Insurance to students. These plans provide benefits for loss due to a covered injury up to $25,000. There are several options available at your own expense. Accident-Only plans ARE NOT PAID by the District. To apply for coverage or if you have questions, you may contact The Brokerage Store at 800-366-4810.
- Voluntary Student Accident Insurance - English Brochure - Form
- Voluntary Student Accident Insurance - Spanish Brochure - Form
- Student Assurance Services
- UIL Activites - Policy Identification Form
- UIL Activities - Schedule of Benefits
- UIL Activities - Student Accident Claim Form - English
- UIL Activities - Student Accident Insurance Form - Spanish