• About Us 

    We are a proactive support organization that works tirelessly within our resources to provide an environment of which our students and community are proud and boldly convey their high regard to others. The values that define us are:

    •  Excellence in our services
    • Integrity in our actions with those we serve and with each other
    •  Accountability in the value of our work
    •  Stewardship of the District


    To effectively and efficiently provide services that support the faculty, staff, and students in pursuit of excellence in their individual and institutional, academic, research, and community objectives. This service is directed toward maintenance and operation of all facilities.


    Continuous and measurable improvement in service is the standard for our Operations Division. We will be recognized by our stake holders for excellent service. We will do this by delivering excellent service, by being a partner in addressing our customers’ needs and by being an innovative leader in facilities management. Because employees are the most important part of realizing our vision, we are committed to ensuring that this division is a valued and energizing place to work where everyone has the opportunity to contribute, learn, and grow.

Contact Us

  • Ted Vierling, Chief Operations Officer
    Phone: (281) 396-2110
    Fax: (281)644-1801