District Athletic Leadership
Lance Carter
Executive Director of Athletics19-6A DEC Chair
Phone: 281-396-7781
Email: Lancewcarter@katyisd.org
Kyle Green
Assistant Athletic DirectorJH Athletics
HS Athletics:
Cross Country, Swim & Dive, & Soccer
Athletic Data Collection
Phone: 281-396-7783
Email: Kyleegreen@katyisd.org
Sara Guthrie
District Aquatics CoordinatorAquatics Community Liason
Pool Compliance
Natatorium Reservations
Lifeguard Supervision
Phone: 281-396-7779
Email: Saranguthrie@katyisd.org
Casey Conner
Athletic Department Financial SecretaryAthletic Financials & Budget
Athletic Travel Arrangements
19-6A DEC Treasurer
Phone: 281-396-7784
Email: Caseylconner@katyisd.org
Cindy Tanner
Athletic Department Secretary
JH Officials Pay
JH Workorders
JH Financial Operations
Phone: 281-396-2054
Email: Cindyltanner@katyisd.org
Julie Vetterick
Admin Asst. to the Director of AthleticsUIL Admin Support
Athletic Booster Club
Athletic Complex Reservations
19-6A DEC Secretary
Phone: 281-396-7781
Email: Julieavetterick@katyisd.org
Justin Landers
Assistant Athletic DirectorHS Sports:
Golf, Volleyball, & Wrestling
Athletic Maintenance & Operations
Sports Medicine
Business Operations
Phone: 281-396-7797
Email: Justinllanders@katyisd.org
Matthew Melendez
District Athletic CoordinatorTASO Officials Liaison
Campus Athletic Ticketing
Athletic Department Social Media
Athletic Data Collection
Phone: 281-396-7616
Email: Matthewamelendez@katyisd.org
Athletic Department Event SpecialistLegacy Field House Event Coordinator
Football Season Tickets
Phone: 281-396-2149
Email: TBD
Angela Spurlock
Assistant Athletic DirectorHS Sports:
HS Basketball & Softball
UIL Liason
Phone: 281-396-7785
Email: Angelagspurlock@katyisd.org
J Jensen
Assistant Athletic DirectorHS Sports:
HS Football , Track, & Baseball
Phone: 281-396-7782
Email: jmjensen@katyisd.org
Laurie Mitchell
Marketing & Advertising CoordinatorCorporate Sponsors
Athletic Event Streaming
Phone: 281-396-2111
Email: Laurielmitchell@katyisd.org
Susan Moody
Athletic Department SecretaryHS Officials Pay
Summer Requisitions
Athletic Event Calendar
Phone: 281-396-7786
Email: susantmoody@katyisd.org
Campus Athletic Coordinator
Gary Joseph
Katy High School
Phone: 281-237-1858
Email: Garyejoseph@katyisd.org
Chad Simmons
James E. Taylor High School
Phone: 281-237-9296
Email: Chadrsimmons@katyisd.org
Mike Arogbonlo
Mayde Creek High School
Phone: 281-237-3043
Email: mikearogbonlo@katyisd.org
Chris Dudley
Cinco Ranch High School
Phone: 281-237-7070
Email: Christopheradudley@katyisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo
Morton Ranch High School
Phone: 281-237-7813
Jimmy Hamon
Seven Lakes High School
Phone: 281-237-2840
Email: Jamesrhamon@katyisd.org
Todd McVey
O.D Tompkins High School
Phone: 281-234-1040
Email: Toddamcvey@katyisd.org
David Hicks
Patricia E. Paetow High School
Phone: 281-234-4940
Email: Davidrhicks@katyisd.org
Mike Rabe
Jordan High School
Phone: 281-234-9025
Email: Jamesmrabe@katyisd.org
Eric Robinson
Freeman High School
Phone: 281-234-6632
Email: Johnerobinson@katyisd.org
Jr High Campus Athletic Coordinator
Billy Huff
Adams Junior High
Phone: 281-234-2469
Email: Williammhuff@katyisd.org
Kristi Corn
Beck Junior High
Phone: 281-237-3409
Email: Kristijcorn@katyisd.org
Roy Reyes
Beckendorff Junior High
Phone: 281-237-8823
Email: rogelioreyes@katyisd.org
Robin Waak
Cardiff Junior High
Phone: 281-234-0644
Email: Robinhwaak@katyisd.org
Anabell Pinedo
Cinco Ranch Junior High
Phone: 281-237-4645
Email: Anabellgpinedo@katyisd.org
Dwight Bonner
Haskett Junior High
Phone: 281-234-3723
Email: Dwightlbonner@katyisd.org
Rhett Middlebrook
Katy Junior High
Phone: 281-237-8202
Email: Derylermiddlebrook@katyisd.org
Michaela Spicer
Mayde Creek Junior High
Phone: 281-237-3926
Email: Michaelaspicer@katyisd.org
Carey Palmer
McDonald Junior High
Phone: 281-237-4024
Email: Careydpalmer@katyisd.org
Tom Ridenhour
McMeans Junior High
Phone: 281-237-8064
Email: tommridenhour@katyisd.org
Sandra Bickel
Memorial Parkway Junior High
Phone: 281-237-5834
Email: Sandrambickel@katyisd.org
Taqueta Braxton
Morton Ranch Junior High
Phone: 281-237-7511
Email: Taquetalbraxton@katyisd.orgPete Longoria
Nelson Junior High
Phone: 281-234-6498
Email: petealongoria@katyisd.org
Caitlin Rolens
Seven Lakes Junior High
Phone: 281-234-2145
Email: Caitlinerolens@katyisd.org
Josh Harrison
Stockdick Junior High
Phone: 281-234-2761
Email: Joshuapharrison@katyisd.org
Bryan Blake
Tays Junior High
Phone: 281-234-2426
Email: Bryanlblake@katyisd.org
Chuck Dycus
West Memorial Junior High
Phone: 281-237-4841
Email: Charleswdycus@katyisd.org
Todd Lighter
WoodCreek Junior High
Phone: 281-234-0841
Email: Toddclighter@katyisd.org
Campus Asst. Athletic Coord.
Judy Whillock
Katy High School
Phone: 281-237-1864
Email: Judykwhillock@katyisd.org
Brooke Plemons
James E. Taylor High School
Phone: 281-237-9214
Email: Brookelplemons@katyisd.org
Rochelle Harris
Mayde Creek High School
Phone: 281-237-3802
Email: rochellelharris@katyisd.org
Suzanne Reeve
Cinco Ranch High School
Phone: 281-237-5224
Email: Suzannemreeve@katyisd.org
Kisha Jones
Morton Ranch High School
Phone: 281-237-7907
Email: Kisharjones@katyisd.org
Kaitlyn Eidson
Seven Lakes High School
Phone: 281-237-2977
Email: Kaitlynjeidson@katyisd.org
Tammy Ray
O.D Tompkins High School
Phone: 281-234-1130
Email: Tamathacray@katyisd.org
Hailey Barncastle
Patricia E. Paetow High School
Phone: 281-234-2725
Email: hailyrbarncastle@katyisd.org
Jennifer Vaden
Jordan High School
Phone: 281-237-1924
Email: Jenniferbvaden@katyisd.org
Jill Voss
Freeman High School
Phone: 281-234-6729
Email: Jillnvoss@katyisd.org
Jr High Campus Asst Athletic Coordinator
Rachel Royse
Adams Junior High
Phone: 281-237-4639
Email: Rachelkroyse@katyisd.org
Scott Radke
Beck Junior High
Phone: 281-237-3413
Email: Scottwradke@katyisd.org
Renee Asaro
Beckendorff Junior High
Phone: 281-234-2147
Email: Reneecasaro@katyisd.org
Michael Gavigan
Cardiff Junior High
Phone: 281-234-0641
Email: michaelrgavigan@katyisd.org
Trey Nimtz
Cinco Ranch Junior High
Phone: 281-237-4644
Email: Treyanimtz@katyisd.org
Kendra Brownlee
Haskett Junior High
Phone: 281-234-9521
Email: kendradbrownlee@katyisd.org
Amanda Weese
Katy Junior High
Phone: 281-237-2709
Email: Amandamweese@katyisd.org
Ansel Carter
Mayde Creek Junior High
Phone: 281-237-4974
Email: Anseljcarter@katyisd.org
Naomi Cooper
McDonald Junior High
Phone: 281-237-5340
Email: Naomimcooper@katyisd.org
Bree Drury
McMeans Junior High
Phone: 281-237-8065
Email: breerdrury@katyisd.org
Justin Hunter
Memorial Parkway Junior High
Phone: 281-237-5933
Email: justinjhunter@katyisd.org
Mitchell Maxwell
Morton Ranch Junior High
Phone: 281-237-7524
Email: mitchelllmaxwell@katyisd.orgJamie Cain
Nelson Junior High
Phone: 281-237-7524
Email: mitchelllmaxwell@katyisd.org
Nick Barosh
Seven Lakes Junior High
Phone: 281-234-6497
Email: jamiehcain@katyisd.org
Quiana Hancock
Stockdick Junior High
Email: Quianaghancock@katyisd.org
Kristen Lauritano
Tays Junior High
Phone: 281-234-2424
Email: Kristenelauritano@katyisd.org
Amanda Houston
West Memorial Junior High
Phone: 281-237-6438
Email: Amandamhouston@katyisd.org
Lauran DeForke
WoodCreek Junior High
Phone: 281-234-0818
Email: Lauranadeforke@katyisd.org
Campus Athletic Secretaries
Sandy Carp
Katy High School
Phone: 281-237-1758
Email: Sandrajcarp@katyisd.org
Lynda Gardner
James E. Taylor High School
Phone: 281-237-4421
Email: Lyndadgardner@katyisd.org
Leona Flores
Mayde Creek High School
Phone: 281-237-3828
Email: Leonabflores@katyisd.org
RaeNelle Belch
Cinco Ranch High School
Phone: 281-237-2472
Email: Raenelleebelch@katyisd.org
Nadia Vargas
Morton Ranch High School
Phone: 281-237-7920
Email: nadiaavargasrocha@katyisd.org
Tambi Martin
Seven Lakes High School
Phone: 281-237-2940
Email: TambiLMartin@katyisd.org
Julie Simonton
O.D Tompkins High School
Phone: 281-234-1041
Email: Juliesimonton@katyisd.org
Melissa Bellavigna
Patricia E. Paetow High School
Phone: 281-234-4941
Email: melissaabellavigna@katyisd.org
Marcie Impastato
Jordan High School
Phone: 281-234-8263
Email: Marciedimpastato@katyisd.org
Debbie Conaway
Freeman High School
Phone: 281-234-6641
Email: debbielconaway@katyisd.org