• Diabetes

    Guidelines and Procedures For Independent Diabetes Monitoring and Treatment by a Student 

    ​According to Section I. Chapter 168 of the Health and Safety Code, a student can independently check their blood sugar and take insulin during school hours or at a school related event, provided that certain criteria are met. In an effort to meet student needs and still maintain a safe environment with regard to accidental exposure to sharp devices or blood, the following procedures have been developed and incorporated into Administrative Regulation FFA (R) (Local). 
    I. Upon receipt of a student’s Diabetes Management and Treatment Plan, signed by the parent and physician treating the student’s diabetes, a form titled Parent Authorization for Diabetes Care at School, and the student’s Diabetes Management and Treatment Plan must be signed and on file with the campus nurse before a student self-monitoring and treating of his/her diabetes. 

    II. All required documentation will be on file in the student’s Individual Health Folder in the school clinic, and must be renewed annually. 

    III. Junior High and High School students who have submitted their Diabetes Management and Treatment Plan will be issued an I.D. card. The I.D. card is to remain with his/her supplies/equipment at all times while at school or a school related event. This card will identify the student, provide contact names/phone numbers in the event of an emergency;  and inform school personnel that the student has permission to independently monitor and treat his/her diabetes. I.D. cards must be renewed annually. 

    Elementary teachers will be notified of those students in their class who will independently monitor and or treat their diabetes. 

    IV. Students who do not demonstrate compliance with their Individual Health Plan will not be allowed to continue independent monitoring for the remainder of the school year. Students who misuse supplies or equipment, creating a situation that may constitute a potential health or safety hazard or resulting in possible injury, may also be subject to  disciplinary action as written in the Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct. 

    V. In situations where the student becomes unable to manage his/her monitoring or treatment, assistance will be provided by one of the following employees: the campus nurse, the trained Unlicensed Diabetes Care Assistant and/or the campus nurse from a nearby campus assigned to assist in emergency situations. 

    ​VI. The provision of all supplies, equipment and snack items is the responsibility of the  parent and student. Snacks or a means for purchasing snack items should be available to the students at all times.