Robert R. Shaw Center for STEAM
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Shaw Center in Action
The Shaw Center is a multi-use facility that opened in February of 2015. It has been used for many things, but the four primary areas of focus are listed below. Many days the facility is in use from 8 in the morning until 10 at night.
- School Field Trips
- High School Robotics
- Science Summer Camps
- Family STEAM Nights
School Field Trips
Each year, over 16,000 Katy ISD students visit the Robert Shaw Center (RSC) on field trips. Every elementary school and junior high school sends at least one grade level to the RSC. Before the field trip, our instructional specialist, Liz Dethloff meets with teachers to ensure that the activities planned support the curriculum being covered in class at that time. These field trips have received overwhelmingly positive responses from both teachers and students.High School Robotics
High school robotics teams participating in FIRST Robotics FRC and FTC competitions build and practice at the Shaw Center. From January to April, the Shaw Center is open for robotics in the evening and on weekends. During the Summer and Fall, teams practice about three times a week. Robotics is the ideal way to deliver STEM education. Robotics encompasses applied science, math, manufacturing, publicity, community outreach, teamwork and social connections. We are proud of our team and their amazing accomplishments!Science Summer Camps
Each year, the RSC staff conducts an elementary summer camp and a junior high summer camp. The elementary camp is for students entering 4th and 5th grade. It focuses on fun, hands-on activities that support science concepts taught in 4th and 5th grade. The camp is always theme-based and is taught by instructional coaches and outstanding teachers from around the district. The junior high camp focuses on creating an invention and entering it in the Young Inventors of America contest. The Shaw Center also hosts summer camps run by robotics clubs as fundraisers.Family STEAM Nights
Three times a year in the Fall, the Shaw Center puts on a "Family STEAM Night" (FSN). FSNs can be described as Science and Math carnivals. There is a carnival-like atmosphere with many fun, interactive stations for students to choose from. Organizations such as astronomy clubs, universities, tutoring centers, museums, robotics teams and more participate by offering a station for students to experience. There is always face painting and balloon art available as well. This is the perfect activity for a family on a Friday night and it's free!