Excused Absences
Examples of excused student absences include but are not limited to the following reasons:
- Personal illness (includes healthcare visit without documentation) – parent note or phone call required;
- Death of an immediate family member (immediate family is defined as parent, guardian, grandparent, sibling of the student or parent, or a person living in the home) -- note required;
- Emergency in immediate family (as defined at item #2);
- Illness of the student's child with note;
- School-imposed absence necessary to treat lice;
- Illness resulting from ongoing medical or psychiatric treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, dialysis, etc. with a doctor note indicating specific timeframes and anticipated absences);
- Removal by CPS/law enforcement and related days [including an arrest or incarceration for non-school-related matters or incarceration beyond three (3) days for school-related matters (if not withdrawn)];
- Appearing at a government office to complete paperwork required in connection with the student's application for U.S. citizenship or obtaining or renewing a Visa; with documentation requiring appearance and proof of attendance. Maximum travel days not more than 1 day travel "to" and 1 day travel "from" the government office;
- Sounding taps for a military honor funeral held in the state of Texas (for students in grades 6 through 12 and requires all missed assignments to be successfully completed within the timeframe established by the teacher);
- Mandated court appearance by the student with documentation of requirement (subpoena/court order) and attendance including a maximum of one day travel to and one day travel from the site if applicable (requires all missed assignments to be successfully completed within the timeframe established by the teacher);
- Appointment with licensed health care professional such as a doctor, dentist, psychiatrist, or licensed professional psychologist:
- Partial day, or
- Full day.
- An appointment with a licensed health care professional would include a visit to a doctor or dental office, a licensed social worker (LCSW or LMSW), a psychologist (LPA), a licensed professional counselor (LPC), or a professional under the order of a medical doctor; including for a student diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder an appointment with a health care practitioner to receive generally recognized services such as applied behavioral analysis, speech therapy, and occupational therapy.
- Mentorship absence required to complete DAP or high school graduation;
- Homebound instruction (CEHI-approved, including PEP students);
- Medicaid-eligible; participating in Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Program (with documentation);
- Nurse sent home from school and/or any consecutive days approved by the campus nurse;
- Out-of-school suspension for disciplinary reason [including an arrest or incarceration for school-related matters for up to three (3) days];
- Observance of a religious holy day (full or partial day) of obligation including a maximum of one day travel to and one day travel from the site if applicable (requires all missed assignments to be successfully completed within the timeframe established by the teacher);
- School-sponsored curricular or extracurricular activity that is NOT UIL related;
- UIL activity (requires principal approval);
- College/military visit -- two in junior year; two in senior year (with appropriate verification and approval);
- Activity required by a probation officer (other than court appearances) or Human Services activity required by a caseworker (with documentation; requires all missed assignments to be successfully completed within the timeframe established by the teacher);
- Election clerk duties (with documentation) including a maximum of one day travel to and one day travel from the site if applicable (requires all missed assignments to be successfully completed within the timeframe established by the teacher).