Detention Policies

  • Administrator Assigned After School Detention

    After School Detention will be assigned by an administrator or designee. Detention is held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in most cases. 

    Skipping or being removed from detention will result in additional consequences (see Missed Detention).

    Teacher Classroom Detention

    Teachers will assign classroom detentions after parent notification has taken place. Teacher detention is held at the discretion of the teacher.

    Lunch Detention

    Administrators can assign lunch detention as a consequence for student behavior. This requires that the student eat quietly in a designated location other than the regular cafeteria tables.  Students may be restricted to specific cafeteria lines in order to expedite their lunch detention period.

    Missed Detention

    • Missed Lunch Detention will result in an additional disciplinary action and a re-assignment of the original lunch detention. 

    • Missed After School Detention will result in an automatic Saturday detention.

    • Missed Saturday detention will result in a 4 hour Saturday detention and Lunch detention until the Saturday detention is served.

      • If a student misses lunch detention while waiting to serve Saturday detention, it will result in being placed in In school suspension for non-compliance. 

      • In school suspension does not replace the original detention assignment.