Withholding Privileges

  • Students will be excluded from special programs, special reward activities, field trips, class activities or pep rallies and assemblies if they cannot meet behavioral expectations and maintain passing grades.


    • If a special event is revoked no refunds will be given.

    • Students must be passing in order to participate in a field trip or activity that will remove the student from the classroom.

    • If a student misses or is removed from a field trip on the day of the event, no refunds will be given. 

    • Students placed in ISS are not permitted to attend dances, games, and upcoming school events.

    • It is important to understand that participating in extracurricular activities (e.g., athletics, fine arts, NHS (National Honor Society), Student Council, etc.) is a privilege to represent our school. Behavior that jeopardizes that representation will result in minimized participation or removal.