Final Exams

  • Exams count 15% of the semester grade. After-school activity is decreased during final exams.  Students are not allowed to take final exams early for any reason.

    Missed Semester/Final Exams: Any missed exams/assessments must be taken within two weeks from the final day of the semester in which the exam is missed or a grade of zero (0) will be given for the missed exams/assessments. Students will be given an “I” in the subject in which an exam/assessment is missed until such time as the exam is either completed or the deadline has expired for taking the exam. Students that are absent from school during the final week of the school year could become ineligible for promotion based on missed exams or be required to attend summer school due to a zero on an exam. It is important that all students be in attendance through the final day of classes.

    Final Exam Exemptions

    Attendance incentive parameters for students with 3 or fewer absences to exempt an additional class each semester.  

    9th – 11th Attendance Incentive

    • Students with 3 or less absences ALL DAY will earn one extra exemption.
    • This does mean that 11th graders could possibly exempt one course both semesters.

    12th Attendance Incentive

    • Students with 3 or fewer absences will be allowed to exempt with an A, B, or C.
    • This will be on a per period basis.
  • Exams

    9th Grade = 1 Exam +1
    10th Grade = 2 Exams +1
    11th Grade = 3 Exams +1
    12 Grade = All Exams

  • Conduct and Grades

    No "U" in conduct
    No more than 10 tardies
    No average under 80

  • Absences

    No more than 5 absences, 3 or less absences