P.A.W.S. – Panthers Achieving through Work & Service
What is PAWS?
The "Panthers Achieving through Work & Service" (PAWS) program allows students to earn volunteer hours as they contribute their time by volunteering in organizations within the community.Who can join PAWS?
The PAWS program is available to all grade levels.When can I join PAWS?
Students can join PAWS anytime in the school year. Service hours for the 2020-21 school year must be completed, submitted and verified between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.How can I join PAWS?
Visit x2VOLGo to "Groups & Goals" and choose the appropriate group(s).
What are the PAWS requirements?
- Freshmen: 15 hours
- Sophomores: 30 hours
- Juniors: 45 hours
- Seniors: 60 hours
How do I find out about upcoming volunteer opportunities?
Check the x2VOL website. Sign up with the PAWS Remind and stay up to date using your mobile device.To receive messages via text, text the message @phs-paws to the number 81010. If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @phs-paws to (412) 528-4184.
Or follow the link: https://www.remind.com/join/phs-paws
If you have a smartphone, get push notifications. On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link: rmd.at/phs-paws Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.