Classroom Discipline Guidelines

  • In order to create a learning environment that every student need and deserves, it is important that a school have an effective plan for discipline. High expectations are set for student behavior to create a safe and orderly environment in which a student can learn.

    The following elements are in the PHS Code of Conduct/Discipline:

    Classroom Management Plan:

    1.   Each teacher will explain his/her classroom expectations for appropriate behavior and responsibilities.

    2.   Each teacher will manage minor misbehaviors (Level I) occurring in the classroom by following these steps:

    1st Offense – The teacher warns and conferences with the student.

    2nd Offense – The teacher contacts the parent by phone or email; Teacher will assign a 30-minute detention.

    3rd Offense – The teacher contacts the parent by phone; Teacher will assign a 30-minute detention. 

    4th Offense (Level II) – The teacher contacts the parent by phone; Teacher will refer the student to the appropriate Assistant Principal.

    1. Serious infractions (Level II – V) will result in an office referral.

    Very strict guidelines are followed at Paetow in order to create the kind of school that parents are proud for their children to attend. Please review with your child so that he/she can work at their optimum level.