• McKayla Bobbitt

    Hello! My name is McKayla Bobbitt and this year I am joining the 1st grade team here at KDE! I was born in Katy but spent the majority of my childhood in South Texas. I attended Houston Baptist University (now Houston Christian University) for both my undergraduate and Master's degrees. I have a Master of Education in Reading and a Reading Specialist Certification. This will be my 6th year teaching, and I still love every second of it! When I am not at work, you can find me snuggling with my dog or at the gym. I am proud to serve KDE and am excited about the year ahead! 


    Amber Bradley  

    Hey there! My name is Amber Bradley. I am a native Texan. I graduated from the University of North Texas. I married my college sweetheart, Bryan, and we have two amazing kids. My son will be a 7th grader and my daughter will be a 9th grader this year. We also have two of the best dogs in all the land! This will be my 5th year teaching 1st grade at Davidson Elementary. I am so proud to be a dragon! I am passionate about teaching children a love for learning and building a classroom family. Outside the classroom, I love running, cooking, traveling, and enjoying the outdoors with my family. I am excited about our year together. Your child has a bright year full of many AMAZING successes both academically and socially. I can’t wait to watch your child grow!


    Faith Day

    Hi, my name is Faith Day! This will be my fourth year teaching and I feel so grateful to be a Dragon at Davidson. I grew up in Katy and moved back quickly after graduating from Texas State University in 2019. I have been teaching at Davidson ever since and first grade truly has my heart! My husband and I got married in September 2021 and have both really enjoyed this new chapter! I love being outdoors, I am passionate about fitness, and I'm an avid coffee drinker. I cannot wait to build another family class for the 2023-2024 school year!



    Hope Huddleston

    Hi! My name is Hope Huddleston. I was born and raised in Katy. I attended the University of Houston, graduating in 2020. Four years ago, I was assigned to complete my student teaching program at Davidson Elementary and have been here ever since. I have taught First Grade now for three years and truly love it. I am newly engaged to my fiancé Jake, we are looking forward to this exciting new chapter of our life! I enjoy cooking, traveling, and being outdoors. I love my Dragon Family and can't wait for a fun and exciting year of learning!


    Natalie Krempa  

    Hi! My name is Natalie Krempa, and I'm so excited to be teaching another year at KDE! This will be my sixth year teaching and my fourth year at Davidson. I graduated from University of Houston with a Bachelor's Degree in Education. I absolutely love teaching, and I am dedicated to cultivating an inclusive and enjoyable learning environment! I'm looking forward to an amazing year with you all!



    Connie Sladic

    My name is Connie Sladic, and I am so excited to be on the first grade team! I graduated from Taylor High school where I did a program as an assistant teacher at Hutsell Elementary my senior year. I continued my education and graduated from the University of Houston-Victoria. I have taught at KDE for nearly 6 years now on the 4th grade team. I am looking forward to a great year teaching a whole new age group. I have a tall 7th grader at Tays JH. My husband and I are expecting a baby boy this October/November. I am so happy to be a Dragon and continue helping future dragons grow and soar.