Severe Weather Dismissal Procedure
In the event of severe weather, the Principal will make the decision at 3:15pm to call for a Severe Weather Dismissal. If you do not receive a ParentLink email or a Remind Update text message, then there is no severe weather dismissal for that day. Your child will go home by their everyday transportation route you have on file with the child's teacher.
Change of Transportation
If there is a change in a student’s normal dismissal procedures, a written note must be sent to the student’s teacher indicating this change. Do not email, leave a voice message or text the teacher to change dismissal procedures. Please indicate if this change of transportation is going to be a permanent or a temporary change.
Transportation changes should be infrequent and only out of necessity. Try to predict afternoon school day plans and inform your child(ren) in advance how he/she will go home that day.
For safety purposes, all written transportation changes must be received by 2:00pm. Transportation changes may be emailed to KDETransportation@katyisd.org or faxed to 281-644-1925. All emailed or faxed changes must have a copy of the parent’s driver’s license attached. It is recommended that you call the office to make sure your fax has been received. Phone calls, messages on a teacher’s voice mail or email are not acceptable ways to notify the school of a child’s transportation change. Staff members cannot permit a student to change his/her mode of transportation without written notification from the parent/guardian.
2022-2023 Elementary Bell Schedule
Katy ISD’s elementary bell schedule will see a slight adjustment beginning fall 2022 in an effort to maximize bus routes, minimize service delays, and accommodate for ongoing driver shortages.
The adjusted elementary bell schedule will be effective August 2022 for all elementary students, and includes three tiers — Tier A (7:50 a.m.-3:00 p.m.), Mid-Tier (8:10 a.m.-3:20 p.m.), and Tier B (8:30 a.m.-3:40 p.m.).
Please note, that the bell schedule adjustment only affects elementary campuses. There will be no change to the 2022-2023 Katy ISD junior high nor high school bell schedules.
Tier A Elementary Campuses (7:50 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
Alexander Hutsell Rylander Campbell McRoberts Sundown Cimarron Memorial Parkway Winborn Hayes Rhoads WoodCreek Mid-Tier Elementary Campuses (8:10 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.)
Bear Creek Griffin Randolph Bethke Holland Shafer Bryant Katy Stanley Exley Mayde Creek West Memorial Fielder McElwain Williams Franz Morton Ranch Wilson Golbow Nottingham Country Wolfe Tier B Elementary Campuses (8:30 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.)
Creech King Schmalz Davidson Leonard Stephens Jenks Pattison Wolman Kilpatrick Robertson To determine if your student is eligible for bus service, please visit Transportation's Bus Route Query.
Should you have any other questions about the elementary bell schedule adjustment, do not hesitate to call (281) 396-2110 or
contact Kelly Smego.