Student Zone
My Katy Cloud
Students can log in to their Katy cloud to access district programs and resources such as:
Discovery Education
Brain Pop
- And Much More
Click on the link to the right to be redirected to the Katy Cloud.
What is MyKaty?
MyKaty Cloud is a web portal that provides Katy ISD staff, students, and Parents/Guardians with a single sign-on location to access district applications and educational resources.
How to Access MyKaty
Log in to My Katy Cloud using your Katy ISD ID number and password. Parents and Guardians will use the same ID and password they use to log into HAC (Home Access Center).
What are the benefits of using MyKaty Cloud
MyKaty is available anywhere the user has internet access. It is compatible with major operating systems such as Windows, iOS, and Android, allowing you to access the cloud from your available devices. After the user logs in to MyKaty, many applications will be available without logging in again. For example, after logging in to MyKaty, if student or teacher selects Discovery Education they will automatically be logged in.
What is the Home Access Center (HAC)
The Home Access Center provides an online grade book where parents and guardians can view helpful student information to support and guide their children through the educational process. From home or work, at any time of the day or night, parents can access the Web portal to track academic achievement. E-mail links are also available throughout the portal, so parents can communicate with the school and teachers.
Don't know your Katy ISD password?
Students can contact their teacher who can look up their password. Parents can contact the Parent Helpdesk or go to the Password Self-Service tool. High School students should register at Password Self-Service. This tool will allow them to later retrieve or change a forgotten password. This is especially useful when away from the District network.