GT Challenge Program

Gifted and Talented Services

  • Elementary GT service is based on a General Intellectual Abilities model. The elementary GT program, Challenge, is a one-day-per-week-pull-out-model for identified students in grades 1-5. Challenge students leave the regular classroom one day per week to work with the Challenge teacher, who is highly trained in the education of the gifted. Challenge curriculum includes high-interest advanced content, creative and critical thinking skills, research and technology skills, and the opportunity to pursue topics of individual interest. Each year's curriculum units are connected by a broad-based theme. The Challenge program is provided for identified students at all ​elementary ca​m​puses.

    This year in Challenge we will be covering Meteorology, Fine Arts, and Chemistry. 

    Parents of elementary students receive information during the fall semester regarding screening for the GT program, and are invited to attend a parent information session held each year in October. To request GT screening, parents of students in grades 1-4 must return the Elementary Parent Checklist by the published deadline.

    Students in grade 5 who are referred for GT screening will be screened for possible service in the Secondary GT Program. To request screening, parents of 5th grade students must return the Secondary Parent Checklis​t by the published deadline in September. Screening of 5th grade students will take place from October - January for possible service to begin in fall of the 6th grade year.

  • Shannon Hall

    Shannon Hall
    Phone: (281) 234-2638

    Stephanie Vaughn

    Sharon Kinnison
    Phone: (281) 234-2623