Houston Community College - Dual Credit - 2025-2026

  • As of 1/24/2025

    Students must complete all steps to register for dual credit courses. 

    1. Select desired dual credit classes in SchooLinks course registration and meet with MRHS Counselor and CCF. 
    2. Apply to Houston Community College as a Dual Credit applicant. - New dual credit students only
    3. Complete and submit required paperwork to MRHS Counselor's Office.
    4. Complete HCC Orientation and other required steps in HCC MyEagle account. 
      • Diligently check emails - both HCC and Katy ISD 

    Failure to meet deadlines and complete all requirements will result in disqualification of dual credit eligibility. All steps and links are accessible within the MRHS College & Career Canvas course

  • Deadlines

    Summer 2025 - Complete & submit ALL requirements by February 28, 2025 

    Fall 2025-Spring 2026 - Complete & submit ALL requirements by March 21, 2025

    • Tuesday, March 18, 2025: Apply for admission to HCC via Apply Texas - *NEW Dual Credit Students Only*
      • www.ApplyTexas.org
      • This action will give students an HCC ID number, which is needed to fill out the HCC Paperwork. It takes about 3 days to receive the email from HCC with the student ID and myEagle account access.  
    • Friday, March 21, 2025: Submit all registration form and paperwork to Morton Ranch High School

    Dual Credit Qualification 

    UPDATE from Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) 

    Students may qualify for dual credit courses by:

    • TSI Exemption: earn college-ready scores on ACT, SAT or related AP exam
    • TSI Testing - pass the TSIA2 in relevant subject area
    • TSI Waiver - enroll in Level 1 certification program 
    • Non-Degree Seeking Clarification - students may be classified as non-degree seeking under the following conditions:
      • They enroll in ≤14 college-level credit hours 
      • To continue beyond the 14-hour limit, students must meet TSI requirements through testing or course completion (3 hours in MATH or 3 hours in ENGL)
      • They must satisfy the course prerequisites, excluding college-readiness standards.
      • MRHS can determine & assess whether students meet the necessary college-ready standards.

    The THECB has provided the following clarifications:

    • A non-degree seeking student is defined as one who has not filed a degree plan with an institution of higher education 
    • High school students classified as non-degree seeking are not required to be TSI complete to enroll in dual credit courses 
    • Institutions of higher education are prohibited from requiring non-degree seeking high school dual credit students to meet college-ready standards
      • Students who do NOT qualify as non-degree seeking ARE required to meet college-ready standards to take dual credit classes
        • Please follow all guidance from Ms. Boyle to ensure you qualify

    TSI Testing 

    Students who register to take dual credit courses will still take the TSI to ensure MRHS students are prepared for all circumstances and for future college endeavors. TSI testing information for dual credit students is listed below.

    • Wednesday, March 19, 2025: Juniors will take the SAT, Freshmen & Sophomores who registered for Dual Credit will take the TSI
    • Wednesday, April 23, 2025: TSI testing for juniors


    Submit Registration Forms 

    Submit ALL Registration Forms (linked above) to MRHS Counseling Office (room 1526).

    Join the Dual Credit Remind by texting @97eeae to 81010 or clicking https://www.remind.com/join/97eeae

    Important Links 

    Please review HCC information using the links below. 


    Logging into Canvas & Email for HCC Dual Credit

    HCC Student Login Info

    How Do I Get My HCC Email Account

    Request HCC Transcript

    How to Submit an Online Payment

    HEERF III Emergency Grant

    What are Early Alerts

    Tutoring Flyer

    Library Locations and Links

    Dual Credit Resources

    HCC Apply Texas Help