MRHS Fine Arts programs prepare students to communicate in written and spoken words and multi-sensory expression.
Mavericks can formulate and utilize effective decision-making, problem-solving, and creative thinking skills through participation in the arts curriculum.
Our teachers implement the fine arts curriculum as a catalyst to strengthen student learning across all content areas by providing practical and creative synthesis applications of reading, writing, science, social studies, and mathematics. Fine Arts provides an effective venue for multiple leadership skills development as students work cooperatively within a positive work environment. Our organizations provide opportunities for students to create local partnerships producing creative and disciplined thinking that drives cultural enrichment and success within our community.
Twitter @MRHSart
Twitter: @MortRanchChoir
Instagram: mrhs_choir_
Instagram: mrhsmaverickbelles
Twitter/Facebook: @MaverickBelles
Instagram: mrhsorch mrhsmariachi
Twitter: @MRHSOrch @mrhsmariachi
Facebook: MortonRanchHighSchoolOrchestra