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Katy ISD recognizes the value of student participation in advanced academic coursework and encourages students to graduate from
high school with at least one advanced academic course credit such as Advanced Placement. Participation in advanced
academic courses is a foundation of college readiness. Students who participate are more likely to complete a
bachelor’s degree in college and typically have higher college GPAs.
If a student is wanting to drop a KAP course at any time, the Petition to Exit KAP Form will need to be completed by the student and parent.
The student is expected to have exhausted all efforts to be successful in the course before dropping. This includes, but is not limited to
conferencing with the teacher, attending tutorials, and turning in all assignments. After the teacher signs off that these actions have been taken, the form
needs to be submitted to the grade level counselor for approval and a schedule change. Below is a picture of the form the student will be expected to complete.
A printed copy can be obtained from your child’s grade level counselor or teacher.
HS Credit Guidelines:
The last day to request a drop from a HS Credit course is Thursday, September 19, 2024 (last day of the 1st six weeks). Students who earn a “F” at the end of the first or second grading period in a HS Credit course will be removed from the course. During the first semester, no course changes will be made after the second grading period. Students who earn a first semester failing grade will have the grade recorded on their transcript and will be removed from the course for the second semester. Students will not be removed from the course during the second semester. Please refer to the timeline below.