The purpose of these insights are to, not only provide you with information, but inspiration to stay focused. In order to pursue your goals, you must utilize the information and resources you have to carve your own path. Use the advice below as building blocks to understand and pursue your next big adventure! Go Tigers!
February College Monthly Insight
Don't be discouraged if you are applying to scholarships and you aren't immediately rewarded. You are not guaranteed money, but you can increase your chances if you continue to apply, so don't give up! Remember, you are not limited in the amount of scholarships you can apply for, so start applying today!
January College Monthly Insight
Who actually loves deadlines? I am sure most would agree deadlines can create a sense of pressure and anxiety; however, in the end, deadlines are made to keep you focused! This New Year set your sights on staying organized and committed to your future after high school.
Here is one deadline you need to remember: The Texas financial aid priority filing deadline is Friday, March 15, 2024! Complete the FAFSA or TASFA before this date to guarantee (if eligible) funds for college!
December College Monthly Insight
Test optional means standardized test scores (SAT/ACT) are not required (but optional) for admission into a college or university.
Your next question should be, if a college is test optional, should I submit my scores?
It is recommended to submit test scores, if applicable, as many colleges may offer merit-aid/scholarships based on certain standardized scores.
NEXT STEPS: If you need to take the SAT and/or ACT, schedule a test date for the Spring!
November College Monthly Insight
Finding the "Right Fit"
There are a number of variables that make up the perfect university or college for you! Factors include if the university offers your desired major (academic), how lively the campus is (student life), and financial cost (affordability).
Biggest Concern: Affordability is a large deciding factor for choosing the "right" college. Ensure you are applying for financial aid to assist with college funding!
October College Monthly Insight
When Should I Apply for Financial Aid?
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will open in December 2023 and students should apply and complete the FAFSA (if eligible*) as soon as possible.
NEED TO KNOW: House Bill 3 (HB3) requires all graduating Seniors to submit a financial aid application (FAFSA OR TASFA) in order to meet high school graduation requirements.
*If you are not eligible for FAFSA, you may be eligible for the Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA).
September College Monthly Insight
College Essays: How important are they?
College essays give some insight into your life and highlight important characteristics. This portion of the application provides the student with an opportunity to tell their "full story”. This allows the university to gain a better understanding of the student that may not be as apparent in the application.
TASK: Start looking at each university’s essay prompt and begin to brainstorm possible topics and ideas based on the prompt!
August College Monthly Insight
What is a balanced college list?
Students who curate a thorough and thoughtful list of colleges are often less stressed during the application and admission process versus students who apply to dozens. One important consideration when constructing your college list is likelihood of acceptance.
Ask Yourself: How likely are you to receive acceptance to the college you are applying to?