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National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS™), established in 1921, is an organization that recognizes student achievement and community engagement. As a high school chapter, the JHS NHS dedicates time to developing a deep understanding of the National Honor Society's four pillars: scholarship, service, leadership, and character. More information about the National Honor Society can be found on the official national website.
How do students become members of the National Honor Society?
To be part of the NHS, students must first qualify as candidates.
Students must meet the Scholarship Pillar criteria, which includes:
The potential member must hold a minimum weighted GPA of 3.75/5.00.
The potential member must be in 10th or 11th grade
The potential member must have been enrolled at JHS for at least one full semester, and
If the potential member meets all of the above criteria, the member will receive an invitation in the spring semester, typically at the end of January or early February. The invitation, sent through Canvas, requests information used by the faculty council to support their candidacy for membership.
Once the potential member receives the Canvas invitation for NHS membership, you will need to join the "NHS Candidates Course Spring of 2025" course, where you can submit a "Candidate Information Packet" for faculty council review. Timely submission is crucial, showcasing your dedication to the NHS pillars: Leadership, Service, and Character.
The packet includes benchmark due dates for completion and feedback opportunities from the NHS adviser(s). All deadlines are on the Canvas course, and failure to submit required materials may lead to ineligibility.
The faculty council assesses each student's packet individually, selecting new members based on service, leadership, and character. The provided pillars outline candidate responsibilities:
Accepting the JHS Chapter Service Hour Guidelines
Candidates are required to complete a minimum of 10 in-person community service hours between January of the previous year and the current application year, following NHS guidelines. Students are responsible for independently tracking these hours until the application process is finalized and should maintain a personal record instead of submitting hours to X2VOL. To verify their service, candidates will complete a service hours quiz, which should include the following information: organization name(s), description of the activity, hours completed, date(s), and the name and contact information (email address or phone number) of an organization representative.
Candidates will complete a "Leadership" quiz that asks them to describe their leadership qualities and list any current leadership positions they hold.
Submitting four teacher recommendations
Meeting all deadlines and candidacy process requirements
Upholding NHS standards commitment
Considering school discipline records, incidents of academic dishonesty and teacher recommendations
Who are the members of the Faculty Advisory Council?
Five faculty members at Jordan High School, chosen by the campus principal, who are responsible for making decisions related to potential members and addressing disciplinary issues among current members.
What is the next step of NHS Member Selection?
Notification of selection or non-selection will be sent via Canvas, including the next steps. Selected candidates receive information on induction and a $50 dues payment link. Non-selected candidates get details about the appeal process.
Membership is granted only to those students selected by the faculty council based on established standards of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. If you have any questions or concerns about the process, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Membership Requirements
To remain active and in good standing with the chapter members must:
Attend the induction ceremony.
Uphold the established pillars of NHS, which include scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Attend the six required meetings a year (three per semester during enrichment).
Participate in service projects.
Complete annual community service hours (15 in the Fall, 10 in the Spring).
Members not in good standing may face discipline or dismissal, while those graduating in good standing become alumni members.
Current NHS members can find chapter information on Canvas, covering meetings, service guidelines, x2Vol, and chapter bylaws.
NHS is a voluntary student organization, and we encourage all current and potential members to actively advocate for themselves, take responsibility for their NHS commitments and x2VOL account, and reach out directly to their advisors with any questions or concerns. We ask that your child contact either Mrs. Coker or Mrs. Statham through Canvas or visit them in their classrooms (1031 and 2325).
™ "National Honor Society and NHS are duly registered trademarks of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Unauthorized copying or use of said trademarks is strictly prohibited."