Student Parking Information 2024/2025 SY
The Pay-N-Go link to pay for parking permits is set to go active on August 1, 2024.
Students must have a valid 2024/2025 Student Parking Permit for parking on campus. Parking stickers should be adhered to the lower right front passenger window (interior) and clearly visible at all times. Security will monitor the student parking lots for these permits. Cars parked without a permit are subject to ticketing/booting (see below).
Students must complete three steps to apply for and receive a parking permit. Before completing any of the three, students must read ALL requirements.
FIRST, students will view a short rules, regulations, and safety PRESENTATION and then complete a related driving/parking QUIZ. Note: Students must be logged into their Katy ISD Microsoft account to access the presentation. Students must score 100% on the quiz.
The pdf of the presentation is included below if you have trouble accessing the link above:
JHS Parking Safety Presentation 24-25 SY.pdf
SECOND, students or parents will pay for the permit. The cost is $55, and payment is accepted online only at Pay N’ Go JHS-Parking.
Note: Parking permit fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. If a parking permit is given to or sold to another student, they could potentially lose their parking privileges for the remaining school year. If students lose their parking permit, they must buy another one. Replacements are not issued. Parking is a privilege. A student's parking permit can be revoked temporarily or permanently for safety and driving violations. Suspension or full revocation will not result in any refund.
THIRD, students will log in using their Katy ISD credentials at the link below. Note that only students may access this link using their Katy ISD credentials. Applications submitted by anyone other than the student requesting the permit will not be accepted.
Students will need the following to complete the online application:
- Vehicle Information – Make, Model, Color, License Plate #
- Uploaded image or PDF of a VALID student’s driver’s license
- Uploaded image or PDF of VALID proof of insurance, which MUST include:
- The name of the Jordan HS student and the vehicle the student will be driving
- An expiration date not before August 16, 2023
- Confirmation number from the Pay N’ Go link noted in Step 2 above
- Both students and parents must read and sign the Katy ISD Board Parking policy, Katy ISD Discipline Management & Student Code of Conduct, JHS Parking Rules and Regulations, and Parking Agreement online.
How/Where to Pickup Your Parking Permit
Please allow 1-2 business days for processing before picking up your permit.
Permits will only be given to the student driver, and the student must show his/her ID to collect the permit.
Before the beginning of school, permits will be distributed in the JHS rotunda at the dates/times below:
Monday, August 12 – 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Tuesday, August 13 – 12:30 p.m. to 2:0 p.m.
Beginning August 16, permits may be picked up at the 12th-grade AP office.
NOTE: Permits will not be distributed on the morning of the first day of school.
Parking Office: Room 1061 (12th grade AP Office)
Hours: Permits may be picked up before school, 6:50-7:10, at the start of each lunch, during FLEX Enrichment days, during passing periods (no excused tardy passes issued), or after school 2:35-2:50. Permits will not be distributed during class periods.
Temporary parking permits are only issued to students who have purchased valid permits. If it becomes necessary to drive another vehicle temporarily, drivers must get a JHS Temp Tag from the parking office immediately upon arrival at school. You must provide the license plate number of the vehicle you will be driving. Temporary permits are issued for one day at a time unless a written request from a parent is presented. TEMPORARY TAG REQUEST
If you need to change vehicles during the year, update your information immediately. VEHICLE CHANGE FORM. The original sticker can then be transferred to the new vehicle AFTER the parking office has confirmed receipt of the new vehicle.
You are responsible for your sticker. Replacement stickers are not issued often. If you get a new car, please retrieve your sticker from the old vehicle. The sticker can be transferred, and a vehicle change form can be completed. If the sticker must be replaced for some reason, you will need to turn the old sticker in to the 12th-grade office and pay a replacement fee of $25 (cash or check), regardless of the reason. If you fail to retrieve your sticker from your old vehicle, you must complete a new parking permit application and purchase a new sticker at full price, regardless of the reason.
Students are NOT allowed to park on campus without purchasing a parking permit. JHS security will monitor the parking lots.
Students parking on campus without a valid student parking permit or in an undesignated parking area/manner will receive a warning ticket AND a $25 fine. After two warning tickets/fines, cars will be booted. The fee for boot removal is $70.
Note: Student-designated parking areas are the White, Gold, and Black lots only. Students parking at Adams Junior High will automatically be booted. Students parking in the Legacy Lot at the front of the school without permission are subject to ticketing and a $25 fine.
If you have questions, please email the 12th Grade Assistant Principal, DustinTSchmeits@katyisd.org. Thank you!