Parent Resources

  • Home Access Center (HAC):

    Student information - secondary student schedules, all grade level assignments, grades and attendance – is accessible through the Home Access Center. If you have received your login, go to the Home Access Logon page. If you have not received your login, go to your student’s campus for assistance.

    A helpful user guide and FAQs are also available on the Home A​ccess Cente​r homepage.


    Students have the option to retest when they get a failing grade on any major category assignment. The maximum grade on the retest is 70. 

    If a student makes a failing grade on any assignment in the major grading category, the student is allowed to retest or redo the test or assignment for a maximum grade of 70%. The highest of the 2 grades up to a 70 is recorded in the gradebook.  Students must attend a tutorial session before a retest, and should have no zeros on any assignment for that grading period. Retesting occurs on a date prior to the next major test/project, and as determined by the subject area teachers.



    You are already signed up for eNews through the email with which you registered your student. You should receive the link directly to your email.  You can also visit the Parent Resources tab for a convenient weekly link. ENews messages concern events and announcements happening on our campus.  Stay informed!

    Tardy Policy Overview

    • Cumulative per class period. Begins new at each semester. Students sign clip boards when tardy.
    • When students are late for class, the following consequences will be awarded on the conduct grade:
    • 4 – 7 tardies = N
    • 8 tardies or more = U
    • *N’s and U’s do affect eligibility for many honor programs and exemptions.
    • *The first 3 days of school are grace for all students, the 1st 5 days for freshmen.
    • Teachers should notify the students when counting them tardy.

    Visitor Tracking System

    Raptor is a visitor tracking system designed to help protect our students by tracking all campus visitors, including parents, volunteers, vendors and contractors.


    Parent Volunteers are welcome at Seven Lakes in all areas from school support - Library, Office, Workroom to club support - Academic Decathlon, Speech and Debate, Band, Choir, Orchestra, Theater, Athletics, Project Prom, FFA, Spartans Out Serving and Sapphires. There is a place here at Seven Lakes for your service. JOIN US! For more information, pick up a Volunteer Form in the Front Office or e-mail  Reminder:  Please keep track of your volunteer hours for Seven Lakes and email those in charge at the end of each month at