News Headlines

          Campus Announcements

          • Ms. Heard Highlights I

            Rylander Family,                                                                                 


            We hope everyone enjoyed the extra day yesterday with good food and fun! Just in case you have not seen the updated cell phone/smart watches Board policy, Katy ISD has updated its cell phone/smart watches policy. Students must power down all cell phone/smart watches during the instructional day. If your student brings a cell phone/smart watch to school, please make sure they are turned off and kept in their backpacks until after dismissal. Teachers will take up any cell phone/smart watch that are in violation of this policy and parents will need to pick up the items from school. For additional information, please review the Discipline Management Plan & Student Code of Conduct page 19:


            Elementary students in Pre-K, K, and 1st grade shall not possess a telecommunication device during the instructional day (8:00 am to 4:00 pm), while riding to/from school on District transportation, during tutorials or detention, or while participating in a school-sponsored extracurricular activity on or off school property. For example, an elementary student performing at a PTA meeting or on a field trip to the zoo may not be in possession of a telecommunication device; however, an elementary student could possess a telecommunication device at an event open to the public (in which the student is not performing) such as at a carnival or a sporting event. Elementary students in grades 2-5 may possess telecommunication devices; however, these devices shall be turned off and not visible at all other times during the school day on school property, including on school transportation.

            Please help us by reviewing this policy with your student(s).



            Class 1:1 Reminder: Parents with students in grades 3-5 have until September 14, 2024, to purchase Chromebook insurance. If your student started school after the first day of school, you have 30 days from the enrollment date to purchase insurance.


            Up and coming events:

            9/5 - 2ND & 3RD Curriculum Night 5:30-6:30 - enter through the gym

            9/6 - House Rally - wear your House colors

            9/6 - Spirit Sticks Sold during lunch $1

            9/10 - 4TH & 5TH Curriculum Night 5:30 - 6:30 - enter through the gym

            9/11 - Patriot Day - Staff and Students wear red white and blue

            9/12 - Fall Picture Day

            9/12 - PTA Cane's Spirit Night 4-8

            9/19 - Celebrate World Rhino Day (9/22) wear your rhino gear

            9/19 - PTA General Meeting 5:30 - Gym

            9/19 - 1st Grade PE Family Fun Night - Field Day Field

            9/20 - Student Holiday - Professional Development Day - No School

            9/22 - 26 - Book Fair

            9/25 - Grandparent's Day (Grades KG, 2nd & 3rd)

            9/26 - Grandparent's Day (Grades PreK, 1st, 4th & 5th)

            Rylander Elementary School


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          District Announcements


            smart tag
            Parents of Bus Riders:
            If your student is a bus rider, look for the white route number on the side of the bus when tracking their bus this school year! And make sure to download the Smart tag™ app from your mobile Google Play Store or Apple App Store! The Smart Tag app allows parents to set their preferred notifications, including when their child’s bus is expected to arrive. You can also see when and where your student boards and exits the bus.  


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            Recommendations by district personnel to purchase books new to the Katy ISD circulation are available for public review and comment prior to purchase. To review and/or comment on book titles currently being considered for district purchase, please visit the Book Titles Public Review and Comment dashboard.

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            KVS Logo

            Katy Virtual School Registration for spring courses is open.  

            Katy Virtual School (KVS) online classes allow secondary students to acquire graduation credits and/or expand their learning opportunities through paid, online high school credit courses during the summer and school year. The cost is $200 per semester per course with reduced or no fees for students identified as economically disadvantaged. KVS offers over 60 approved College Board Advanced Placement (AP), Katy Advanced Program (KAP) and academic level courses.  Visit our website for more details on courses offered and how to apply: or email  



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            Students who unintentionally bring to school a prohibited item which is not illegal, may turn in the item to a staff member without disciplinary consequences if this is done before the item is discovered or reported by a staff member or another student. This option applies only to the first time the prohibited item is accidentally brought to school. The second time the prohibited item is brought to school, the item will be confiscated, and the student disciplined according to the type of item brought to school. Parents/ guardians may pick up confiscated items which are not illegal within two school days. Items not picked up within two school days will be discarded. Illegal items and items designated as evidence will be turned over to the Katy ISD police.  

            Students shall not possess or use:  

            • Fireworks of any kind, smoke or stink bombs, or any other pyrotechnic device 

            • A razor, box cutter, chain or any other object used in a way that threatens or inflicts bodily injury to another person 

            • A gun of any kind 

            • A toy gun/“look-alike” weapon 

            • An air gun or BB gun 

            • Ammunition of any kind 

            • A stun gun 

            • Mace or pepper spray 

            • Pornographic material or items 

            • Tobacco products, cigarettes, e-cigarettes and any component, part or accessory for an e-cigarette device or accessory to vaping 

            • Devices designed to emit an electrical shock (such as a TASER) 


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            Katy ISD Parents and/or Guardians can view their child’s grades in the Home Access Center at any time. On the Grades page, you can access your child’s most recent progress report (IPR) and report card grades. On the Classwork page, you can setup personalized alerts for your child’s class averages. Based on the parent-defined percentage (%), you will receive an alert when your child’s average falls below or rises above a certain threshold. Select here to locate Instructions on how to setup grade alerts. 


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