Tompkins Testing Page


    All current 10th grade students will be administered the PSAT and all current 11th grade students will be administered the SAT during the school day. Both tests will be offered on October 9th, 2024. 9th and 12th grade students will follow an alternate schedule that day. For questions related to testing or test accommodations, please contact the Tompkins Testing Coordinator, Mrs. Wiechec, by email at or by phone at 281-234-1120. 

    Image with STAAR testing dates

College Board Logo- AP Testing
  • AP Testing

    Students who are interested in taking an Advanced Placement (AP) test in May must contact the campus AP Coordinator by October 15th, 2024. The Tompkins AP Coordinator is Mr. Renoud and he is located in room 2018, and he can be reached by email at or by phone at 281-234-1223. The Tompkins Assistant AP Coordinator is Mrs. Cruz and she is located in room 2659 and can be reached by email at or by phone at 281-234-1193.

    AP Testing Week 1 AP Testing Week 2



TSI-A Logo
  • TSIA Testing

    The Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) is used by higher education institutions to help determine whether a student is ready for entry-level college coursework in English Language Arts and mathematics. Students are exempt from this assessment if they meet college readiness benchmarks on the SAT, ACT, or successfully complete the high school college preparatory course. TSIA scores are valid for five years from the date of assessment. 

    Students are considered college ready if they meet the following criteria on the TSIA exam:

    • Mathematics: a minimum score of 950 or less than 950 and a diagnostic level 6
    • ELAR (English language arts, writing and reading): a minimum score of 945 on the multiple-choice section with an essay score of 5-8, or less than 945 on the multiple-choice section, a diagnostic level of 5 or 6, and an essay score of 5-8

    Students who are interested in taking a dual credit class must meet college readiness standards. Students can contact Ms. Atilano, the College and Career Facilitator, to sign up for and take the TSIA exam. Ms. Atilano can be contacted through email at