• Tompkins High School Non-Curriculum Related Club/ Organization Information

  • Procedure for Students Interested in Starting a Club/Organization:

    • Complete an Application for Use of School Facilities by Non-Curriculum-Related Student Groups/ Clubs
    • Gain the consent of a faculty member to monitor the club/organization. The proposed monitor must complete and return an Employee Acceptance and Acknowledgement to Serve as Monitor Non- Curriculum-Related Student Groups/Clubs
    • Develop a constitution, charter, set of by-laws, and/or the organization’s plan of operation
    • Complete the Club Posting Rules Form
    • All forms must be returned to the front office for approval by Mrs. Brodt by Sept 30th for each school year.


    Non-Curriculum clubs may not begin meeting until notification of approval has been given.


    Requirements (In accordance with Katy ISD Board Policy FNAB):

      • The club/organization must be student-initiated and student-led.
      • Each club/organization must have a monitor (faculty member), who must be present at all meetings and activities. Monitors are to serve in a non-participatory capacity, to maintain order and monitor student behavior.
      • Non-school persons shall not direct, conduct, control, or regularly attend activities of student groups.
      • Guests and/or outside speakers are not permitted at meetings of non-curriculum related groups or clubs.
      • The group members shall be responsible for managing any fees, dues, or other funds maintained by the group. The group shall establish guidelines for the use of any funds maintained as well as accurate record keeping. The District will not assume responsibility for maintaining financial accounts for non-curriculum-related student groups.
      • Meetings must be conducted during non-instructional time before or after school, approximately one-half hour before the start of the school day or one-half hour following the end of the school day. Reservations must be placed 35 days in advance by the monitor via the Facility Request Google Form.
      • Attendance at meetings is voluntary, and all meetings/activities must be student-initiated and student-led. An attendance sheet shall be maintained for all meetings and kept on file with the monitor.
      • Meetings must not interfere with the orderly conduct of educational activities within the school and notice of meeting/activity dates and times should be scheduled in advance.
      • Membership must be open to all OTHS students and must not discriminate in any manner.
      • While on campus, students are expected to conduct themselves according to the standards established in the Katy ISD Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct.
      • All publications and materials associated with the organization must be approved prior to distribution in accordance with District policy.
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