8th Grade Dance Information

8th Grade Dance Information

Announcing the student chosen theme for the 8th grade dance..... Tokyo at Night!!!! The 8th Grade Dance is a culminating celebration of the MPJH Class of 2024. The dance will be held on May 11th, but we need LOTS of help in the forms of sponsorships, donations and volunteers. Please check out the permission slip, ticket order form, sponsorship link, Amazon link for the raffle, dress code and conduct expectations. Please note that volunteer sign up for the actual dance will be published later in the year.

Ticket & Info Packet: https://mpjhptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/home

Sponsorship link: https://mpjhptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/form/m/263721

Donations for the Raffle: Amazon Wish List

Volunteer: https://forms.gle/S3jPL55gyj3B9kTE7

You only finish 8th grade once, so let's make it amazing!