Math and Science Team
Sponsor: Mr. Eric Nethery email: EricANethery@katyisd.org
The Beckendorff MST comprises 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students who represent the school in TMSCA (Number Sense, Calculator, Math, Science tests) and MathCounts competitions.
The Application in the following link must be submitted in its entirety by Thursday, September 12th: https://forms.gle/CsXZMNL8fwTYh8VU9
Practice material including prior TMSCA Number Sense and Science tests, MathCounts Sprint tests, and Number Sense workbooks may be obtained from the following link:
Please email or text Mr. Sunny Koka at sunnykoka@gmail.com (phone # 713-516-3292) if you need any additional information.