• The Clinic at Beckendorff Jr. High:

    • Open to the students from 8:10A-4:​10P each day. 


    Important details:

    • If you find that you have omitted a medication that your student must have before coming home at the end of the day, please bring this medication in the original container to the clinic personnel.    Interrupting classes for student medication is discouraged.  The student will be called  between classes.  
    • If your student is ill, please encourage them to come to the clinic. The student should not text the parent.  Any communication regarding illness should come from the clinic in order for the absence to be excused.
    • Please keep in mind that KISD has a 24 hour rule regarding fever, vomiting and diarrhea.  Keep your student home until they are free of any of these symptoms for 24 hours. 


    Notes from the Clinic:


    6th grade parents please note the following shot requirements before entering 7th grade.  Documentation can be submitted to the clinic during the school Year.  Remember to keep a copy for your records.  Contact the clinic at 281-237-8825 with any questions.

    • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap): Tdap is required for all students entering 7th grade if at least 5 years have lapsed since the last dose of a tetanus containing vaccine (DTap, DPT, DT).  If 5 years have not elapsed since the last dose of a tetanus containing vaccine at entry into 7th grade, then this dose will become due as soon as the 5 year interval has passed. ​contraindicated.
    • Meningococcal Vaccine: 1 dose of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine is required on or after the student's 11th birthday.  ​
    • Varicella vaccine (chickenpox): Two doses are required with the first on or after the first birthday, and the second dose prior to entry in the 7th grade, unless a parent or physician statement of disease is on file. Additional information regarding these immunizations including exemptions from immunizations can be obtained through the Texas Department of Health website www.dshs.state.tx.us/immunize/school.​


    All medications (prescription and nonprescription) brought to the school must be taken to the school clinic immediately upon arrival. Students may transport prescription/nonprescription medication to and from school as long as the medication is not a controlled substance. Students may not be in possession of any prescription or nonprescription drug on school grounds during school hours unless officially authorized by the campus nurse for possession and self-administration of a prescription medication for asthma, anaphylaxis, or diabetes. The following procedures are to be followed regarding medications:

    1.    All prescription drugs dispensed through a physician's office must be in their original pharmacy container  or packing and labeled by the pharmacist or physician. The label must include:

    o    The student's name.

    o    The physician's name.

    o     The name and strength of the drug.​

    o    Amount of drug to be given.

    o    Frequency of administration.

    o    Date prescription was filled. 

    2.    All nonprescription drugs must be in their original container. The written request for administration of these over-the counter drugs, made by parent, guardian, or physician, must contain the following:

    o    Full name of student.

    o    Name of drug.

    o    Amount of drug to be given. 

    o    Scheduled hours when the drug is to be given. 

    o    Reason drug is to be given.

    o    Date.

    o    Appropriate signature.

    3.    Natural and/or homeopathic-like products, not FDA approved, will not be dispensed in the school setting by school district personnel.



    Medications prescribed or requested to be given three times a day or less are not to be given at school. Only when a specific time during school hours is prescribed by a physician or the school nurse determines that a special need exists for an individual student, will they be given.

    An acceptable schedule that can be followed at home is outlined below:

    ·         1st dose given with breakfast.

    ·         2nd dose given with a snack after school.

    ·         3rd dose given at bedtime (a snack may be needed).

    ·         Please call if you have any questions regarding this matter.

Health Services

  • 24 Hour Rule

  • Immunization Requirements

  • Medication Administration

Contact Us

  • Carrie Carroll​, R.N.
    Phone: (281)237-8825
    Fax: (281)644-1636
    Email: CarilynnECarroll@katyisd.org

    Lawaynna Domio, Clinic Aide
    Phone: (281)237-9432
    Email: LawaynnaDomio@katyisd.org