If a student's parents notify the school of an absence that will occur in the future, the principal shall notify the parents how the absence will be classified and explain the ramifications of absences by completing the "Pre-arranged Absences—Decision and Acknowledgement" form.
Please visit Online Registration for up-to-date registration information including dates and times of registration, documents necessary to complete the enrollment process and immunization requirements.
Parents need to report their child absent daily on-line on MGE's homepage under the link "Report an Absence" or by calling the attendance line at 281-237-8712 on the day of the absence only. A written note from the Parent/Guardian/Doctor must be submitted on the day the child returns from an absence. It is recommended that you call daily to report your child absent to prevent a Compulsory Attendance Notification letter from being generated for your child by the Katy ISD police department. All absences are considered UNEXCUSED until the proper notification and/or documents are turned in to the attendance office. Please do not contact the teacher regarding your child's absence. It is your responsibility to contact the attendance office.
Please visit the Truancy Department
The tardy bell rings promptly at 8:10. Students must be in class, ready to learn at this time. Any students not in their classroom at 8:10 will be marked tardy. Students must obtain an admittance slip from the front office. All tardies are unexcused unless a written notice for an excused reason from a parent or doctor is submitted at the time of entry.
Students who accumulate 5 unexcused tardies are not eligible for perfect attendance. Students who accumulate 10 tardies will be issued morning ELT.
Bad weather and traffic are NOT excused. Please plan accordingly on bad weather days for possible delays.
Please obtain a "Leaver Document" from the campus and return it completed with your picture I.D. Please allow 48 hours for your request to be processed.
Contact Us
Rebecca Colpoys, Registrar
Phone: (281) 237-8712