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Academic Counseling, College & Career Guidance
The Katy ISD guidance and counseling department consists of 59 elementary counselors, 131 secondary counselors, and 11 college and career facilitators that service over 96,000 students at 77 campuses. Our program is committed to delivering a comprehensive school counseling program. In addition to developmental guidance instruction, counselors utilize their specialized skills to counsel individuals and small groups, providing a more targeted level of intervention and support.
Throughout the day, students can access their counselor(s) by making an appointment or asking their teacher to visit the counseling office. In collaboration with parents and other educators, counselors often consult regarding a student’s immediate need or concern, to identify the best method of intervention. All of our counselors are trained to support students who may be exhibiting signs of a possible mental health crisis. If you feel that your child may need mental health support, please reach out to your school counselor for assistance. Your counselor is here to assist you and your child to attain their academic, career, social, and emotional goals. Please contact your child’s campus counselor if you have any questions.
Katy ISD has a College and Career Facilitator (CCF) on each high school campus. The goal of the facilitator is to assist students in preparing for life after high school, whether that is college, trade school, military, or the workforce. The CCF will provide services to assist students and their families in maximizing their educational experiences and exploring their college, career, and military readiness (CCMR) opportunities.
Role of a School Counselor
- Counsel individuals and small groups of students to meet identified needs.
- Consult with parents, teachers, and other staff regarding concerns about students' needs.
- Coordinate people and resources in the community for the benefit of students.
- Participate in planning, implementing, and evaluating a comprehensive developmental guidance and counseling program to serve all students.
- Be familiar with and adhere to the ethical, legal, and professional standards of the counseling profession.
Role of a Social Worker
- Providing direct services to students to resolve the causes of academic, behavioral and/or social stresses
- Provide crisis intervention services and referrals
- Organize and facilitate small group counseling with students on various topics related to student well-being
- Provide resources for students and families to outside agencies
- Collaboration with other school professionals to provide comprehensive mental health support to campuses
- Facilitate the collaboration between the school, home and community services to ensure educational success
Contact Us
Jean Borzik, Lead Counselor,
Alpha Split: Garc - Jana
JeanLBorzik@katyisd.orgAlicia Leung, Counselor,
Alpha Split: A - Castilla
AliciaJLeung@katyisd.orgBronda Goates, Substitute Counselor,
Alpha Split: Castillo - Gara
BrondaNGoates@katyisd.orgCarol Cowand, Counselor,
Alpha Split: Janb - McCo
CarolECowand@katyisd.orgAngie Sticker, Counselor,
Alpha Split: McCr - Po
AngelaDSticker@katyisd.orgBrandye Simper, Counselor,
Alpha Split: Pr - Spann
BrandyeMSimper@katyisd.orgKarmen Mundt, Counselor,
Alpha Split: Spas - Z
KarmenSMundt@katyisd.orgShelby Nilsen,
College and Career Facilitator
ShelbyVNilsen@katyisd.orgLindsey Cano,
Social Worker
LindseyKCano@katyisd.orgNancy Santos,
Dropout Prevention, Intervention, & Recovery Facilitator
NancySantos@katyisd.orgLakeyshea Hairston,
Counselor Secretary, Alpha Split: A - L
LakeysheaHairston@katyisd.orgKathy Howard,
Counselor Secretary, Alpha Split: M - Z