Notes from the Clinic
6th grade parents please note the following immunization requirements before entering 7th grade. Documentation can be submitted to the clinic during the school year. Remember to keep a copy for your records.
Contact the clinic at (281) 237-5325 with any questions.
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap): Tdap is required for all students entering 7th grade if at least 5 years have lapsed since the last dose of a tetanus containing vaccine (DTap, DPT, DT). If 5 years have not elapsed since the last dose of a tetanus containing vaccine at entry into 7th grade, then this dose will become due as soon as the 5-year interval has passed.
- Meningococcal Vaccine: 1 dose of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine is required on or after the student's 11th birthday.
- Varicella vaccine (chickenpox): Two doses are required with the first on or after the first birthday, and the second dose prior to entry in the 7th grade, unless a parent or physician statement of disease is on file. Additional information regarding these immunizations including exemptions from immunizations can be obtained through the Texas Department of Health website
Medicine at School
Children are not permitted to carry medication. ALL MEDICATION must be administered from the clinic. All medications (prescription and nonprescription) brought to the school must be taken to the school clinic immediately upon arrival. Students may transport prescription/nonprescription medication to and from school if the medication is not a controlled substance. Students may not be in possession of any prescription or nonprescription drug on school grounds during school hours unless officially authorized by the campus nurse for possession and self-administration of a prescription medication for asthma, anaphylaxis, or diabetes.
The following procedures are to be followed regarding medications:
1. All prescription drugs dispensed through a physician's office must be in their original pharmacy container or packaging and labeled by the pharmacist or physician. The label must include:
- The student's name.
- The physician's name.
- The name and strength of the drug.
- Amount of drug to be given.
- Frequency of administration.
- The date prescription was filled.
2. All nonprescription drugs must be in their original container. The written request for administration of these over-the-counter drugs, made by a parent, guardian, or physician, must contain the following:
- Full name of student.
- Name of drug.
- Amount of drug to be given.
- Scheduled hours when the drug is to be given.
- Reason drug is to be given.
- Date.
- Appropriate signature.
3. Natural and/or homeopathic-like products, not FDA approved, will not be dispensed in the school setting by school district personnel.
There are no "stock medications" in the clinic such as Tylenol, Advil, Tums, Midol, etc.
Medications can only be sent for the student by the parent or guardian and administered by the parent.
Sick Students with Cell Phones
Students who contact their parents by personal cell phone for medication or for an illness or injury that has not been assessed by the nurse will be handled through the front office.
All students new to the school who did not attend a Texas school previously will be screened within 120 days of enrollment. If the child has failed any of the screenings, the nurse will contact the parents of the child and a referral notice for a professional exam will be sent home. 7th graders are screened annually for vision and hearing. Also, any student who did not attend a Texas school previously may also be screened. Parents will be contacted by the campus nurse if their child has failed the screening and a referral for a professional exam will be sent home.
7th grade girls and 8th grade boys will be screened. The screening is simple. Screeners will look at your child's back while he or she stands and bends forward. The school will send you a letter if your child does not pass the screening. The letter will tell you how to follow up with a doctor.
Communication with the clinic
Please ensure that the campus nurse is updated with any changes in your child's medical information. It is also important to provide the school with correct and updated phone numbers. Also, please update any legal information with the registrar.
Students are encouraged to dress appropriately to the Katy ISD school dress code. The nurse does not have extra clothes in the clinic. Clothing situations will be handled by the student's grade level Assistant Principals.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. It is our pleasure to partner with you on the health of your child at school! Thank you!
Health Services
24 Hour Rule
Students who demonstrate signs and symptoms of illness or a possible communicable disease should be referred to the school clinic for further assessment. Those with an elevated temperature of 100 degrees or above or those who vomit or have diarrhea must be isolated and sent home. The student must be fever free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before he/she can be allowed back to school. Those excluded due to vomiting or diarrhea must also be free of symptoms without the use of preventative medications before being allowed back to school. (Administrative Regulation FFAD)
Immunization Requirements
Katy ISD follows the Texas Department of State Health Services recommendation for immunization compliance in order for a student to attend school. The law requires that all students be as up-to-date as medically feasible in order to attend classes. The immunization vaccine requirements for each grade level are listed on the Katy ISD website. Exemptions to the immunization requirements are allowable on an individual basis for medical contraindications, reasons of conscience-including religious belief, and active duty with the armed forces of the United States. For further information, visit the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Medication Administration
Short term ( 15 days or less) and long term (15 days or more) medications are sometimes prescribed for students to be given during the school day. In such cases, regulations governing administration of medication during school hours must be strictly adhered to by school personnel. Any natural and/or homeopathic products, not FDA approved, will not be dispensed by school personnel.
Contact Us
Cassandra Trahan, Nurse
Phone: (281) 237-5325
Email: CassandraJTrahan@katyisd.orgPatricia Rodriguez, Clinic Aide
Phone: (281) 237-4248
Email: PatriciaRodriguez@katyisd.orgClinic Fax: (281) 644-1656