• Clinic Procedures

    Except in the case of an emergency, students may visit the clinic only after obtaining a clinic pass from their teacher. Students need to come to the clinic if they feel ill. If they contact their parents to be picked up or make previous arrangements, the nurse cannot excuse their absence. Please be aware that if your child has multiple absences from school and is not showing signs of a communicable illness, their illness may not be excused by the nurse.

    Clinic Rules

    1. Students must have a pass. It is important that teachers know where they are and they won't be marked unexcused from class.
    2. The clinic is a NO Cell Phone zone. This includes texting. They may use their phones to call their parents if given permission by the nurse.
    3. If they are in the clinic to rest, we ask that they turn off their music, phones, and we discourage socializing with their peers so they and others may rest.

    Medication Policy

    The clinic does not stock a supply of medications for students. No medication or drugs of any type are to be carried by a student, kept in a locker, or elsewhere on school grounds. Any exception to this rule must be approved, documented in writing, and on file in the school clinic. Medication dispensed at school must be in a properly labeled container, with one medication per container, and must not be expired. 

    According to Texas Education Code 38.013, a student with Diabetes, Asthma, or Anaphylaxis is entitled to possess and self- administer his/her prescription medication while on school property. All required paperwork must be completed and on file in the school clinic. 

    Medications are not stored over the summer, and new forms of medication must be turned in for each school year. Controlled medications must be picked up by parents, and cannot be sent home with students. For cough drops- they must be in their original container with a note granting permission for cough drops to be given with the student's full name, parent's full name and parent's signature. Natural and /homeopathic-like products not FDA approved cannot be dispensed in school clinics by school personnel. 

     T.I.D (Three Times a day) Medication Policy:

    • Medication prescribed or requested to be given three times or less a day will not be given unless a specific time during the school hours is prescribed, or the school nurse determines that a special need exists for an individual student.
    • An acceptable schedule that can be followed at home is outlined below:
    • 1st dose given with breakfast.
    • 2nd dose is given with a snack after school.
    • 3rd dose given just before bedtime (a snack may be needed).

    Always remember that handwashing with soap and water is the best way to stop the spread of infections!


Health Services

  • 24 Hour Rule

  • Immunization Requirements

  • Medication Administration

Contact Us

  • Jackie Rolf, RN, Nurse
    Phone: (281) 237-7325
    Fax: (281) 644-1641

    Jessica Ledesma, Nurse's Aide
    Phone: (281) 237-7326