• Library Hours:

    Monday - Friday 



    Mary Coley

    Library Aide:

    Stephanie Morrison


    Enrichment Passes

    • The library hosts open enrichment on Tuesday and Thursday to the first 50 students who sign up. Fill out the  enrichment pass request form sign up and pick which day works best for you. 
    • On Wednesdays during enrichment, the library hosts College Corner Events. To sign up see Ms. Mitchell in the Counselor's office.
    • On Mondays and Fridays we host club meetings and special events. If you would like to reserve the library for a club meeting or special event, please email marykathrynccoley@katyisd.org. 

    Lunch Passes

    • We are open most days for lunches. You do not need a pass to visit during your lunch. No food or drinks in the library. 

    School Day Passes

    • You will not be allowed in the library without a pass during the school day. 
    • Please have a yellow corridor pass from your teacher when visiting during the school day for quick visits.