• Katy Book Wars


    Lone Star List
    The books chosen for Katy Book Wars are from this list. This list contains five more titles than the official KBW list. See the permission slip for the official KBW list.

    Katy Book Wars Permission Slip
    Please sign and return your permission slip to your librarian.

Katy Book Wars

    • Katy Book Wars Rules and Guidelines

      How it works:

      Students will work in teams of five to read 25 books throughout the school year. How the school selects the teams is the school’s decision. In March, the teams will compete in a school-wide competition to determine the team that will represent the school in a district-wide competition in April.

      The prize for the winning team, at the school level, is the decision of the individual school.  Each student on the winning team will receive a medal and a team t-shirt. Participation certificates will be issued to every student.  The team winning the district competition will receive a trophy that will circulate each year to the winning campus.  The competition is open to all students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.  Students must have a permission slip signed by their parent or guardian to participate.



      1. Each competition will have a “reader” and a “scorekeeper” who will also serve as judges. A third person will also serve as a judge for a total of 3 judges. The reader will receive the list of questions prior to the competition.
      2. Each team will pick a captain. The captain is the only person on the team who will write the final answer on the dry erase whiteboard  and present it to the judges.
      3. The “reader” will read the question two times.  The team has 45 seconds after the second reading of the question to answer through the team captain via the dry erase whiteboard.
      4. Points will increase in value per round with all correct answers earning points.