• What is Pep Squad?

    Pep Squad is a school spirit organization with the purpose of promoting school spirit by participating at athletic events. As recognized school leaders, Pep Squad members are expected to be positive role models at school and in their community. Any boy or girl interested in participating in cheerleader OR mascot tryouts in the spring MUST have met their pep squad requirements (six events and good standing in academics and behavior) before being eligible for tryouts.

    2021-22 Pep Squad Form

    ​We look forward to having your child participate in pep squad for the 2019-2020 school year. Attached you will find the expectations for pep squad as well as the forms that must be completed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via e-mail at: allysonpatterson@katyisd.org and EmilyHartman@katyisd.org


    Thank you,
    Allyson Patterson and Emily Hartman