• Programs


    I’ve Got Your Back - IGYB is a program with an emphasis on the power of the bystander.  Throughout the school year students will engage in conversations about what a bystander is and what it means to “have someone’s back.” Students and staff will have the opportunity to recognize one another when they are noticed having someone’s back.

    PurposeFull People - Character Strong / PurposeFull People is about creating a school culture that incorporates a child’s social emotional and character development in one.  Character Strong is research based, providing vertically aligned lessons and activities that teach Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision-Making skills.  Throughout the year we will be focusing on key character traits; courage, empathy, gratitude, kindness, respect and cooperation. The Character Strong program supports not only the students but also the entire Campbell Family (students, staff & families. By supporting social emotional health, this will positively impact student’s academic success as well as build relationships and prepare them for the future.

    PALS (Peer Assistance Leadership) - PALS is a mentoring program in which a high school student is paired with an elementary student to serve as a positive role model.  Students can be nominated for a PAL for a variety of reasons.  This year we are pleased to host high school PALS from Tompkins High School. 

    KEYS (Keep Encouraging Youth toward Success) - KEYS is a district program in which adults can apply to mentor students on elementary, junior high, or high school campuses. Students who are involved in the program may also be eligible for a KEYS scholarship.  If you are interested in becoming a KEYS mentor at MJE or any other Katy ISD campus, please visit the district website to apply or click here.  

    PIE (Partners In Education) -  www.katyisd.org/dept/pie/Pages/AboutUs.aspx 

    Jaguar of the Month - Each month MJE celebrates students from each grade level, a staff member, and a parent volunteer for their outstanding efforts.  These individuals are nominated by teachers and administrators, and recognized with a personalized award at our end of the month, Jaguar-of-the-Month celebration.  Parents (and spouses) of nominees are invited to be a part of the fun!