Student Council
Are you interested in being part of a student team that works with our principals and teachers to make the school a better place? Run for a Student Council officer position! Student Council is a program that allows students to share their ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and principals. Members also help raise funds for outreach programs and social activities at the school. We will have 4 officer positions as well as a class representative from all 4th and 5th grade classrooms.
Officer Positions
- President: Lead and facilitate meetings, keep in contact with teachers and administrators, delegate tasks, help coordinate and lead events
- Vice President: Assist President and assume President’s duties when needed, help lead meetings and keep discussions on topic, help coordinate and lead events
- Secretary: Keep minutes at the meeting (record what is discussed), maintain student council files including a calendar of events, work with administrators on dates for events
- Treasurer: maintain an accurate and detailed financial record, give monetary advice to the council, work with administrators on authorization for expenditures
Officer Requirements
- Attend all meetings (Last Thursday of the Month)
- Maintain an average of 70 or above.
- Zero office referrals
- Exhibit exemplary behavior, leadership and acceptable scholarship standards.
You may campaign prior to the election by making 2 posters to hang up in the hallways. You will need to write a speech to give to the 5th grade student body on Election Day. Your speech should include qualities you have that make you a good candidate for the position; it should NOT include specific promises (ex: extra recess).