
    Absence Reporting

    If a student is absent for any reason, a parent or guardian must report the reason for absence to the Attendance Office.


    **Only ONE option below is needed to report a FULL DAY absence** 


    Submit the Online Absence Reporting Form on MJE homepage under the link "Report Absence" the day of the absence only. 




    Call our Front Office


    To report an absence for a previous/future day(s), contact your campus ADA via phone (281-234-4134) or email TaraRAguilar@katyisd.org or send a note with your student. 

    Please notify the Attendance Office for EACH day of an absence to prevent a Compulsory Attendance Notification letter from being generated for your child by the Katy ISD police department. You are welcome to contact the teachers, but the Attendance Clerk must be notified as well.


    Healthcare Notes should be submitted on the day the child returns from an absence. The specific date(s) requiring the student to be absent from school must be indicated on the note for it to be excused. 

    All absences are considered UNEXCUSED until the proper notification and/or documents have been received by the attendance office. To qualify for an excused absence, reason must be in accordance with District Policy for excused reasons*


    Student Check-ins and Check-outs 


    Please help us get each day off to a good start by having your child in school on time. A student is considered tardy when the student is not in the proper place with all the materials needed before the tardy bell rings at 8:30 a.m. The school doors open at 8:10 a.m. 


    Arriving Late to School: Tardy vs. Absence

    If your child is checked in between 8:30 a.m. and 9:55 a.m. for personal reasons (i.e. travel, family celebration, return from appointment without proper documentation) he/she will be considered Tardy. Any student that is checked in AFTER 9:55 a.m. for personal reasons will be considered an unexcused absence.


    Leaving Early from School: Full Day vs. Partial Day Absence

    If your child is checked out before 9:55 a.m. for personal reasons (i.e., travel, family celebration, return from appointment without proper documentation) he/she will be considered unexcused absent. Any student that is checked out after 9:55 a.m. will have a partial day unexcused absence. 


    Students MAY NOT be checked out after 2:50 p.m. as they will be moving to their dismissal locations at that time.​

    On early dismissal days, students MAY NOT be checked out after 11:30 a.m.

    During party days, a student WILL NOT be checked out after 2:00 p.m.


    Who Can Check Out a Student? 

    Parent/guardian: Parents/guardians listed on the enrollment card may check their students out. They must come to the front office with their photo ID. 


    Emergency Contacts: Beginning August 14, 2024, your listed emergency contacts will be allowed to check out your student, they must present their photo ID at the time of check out If the person picking up is NOT listed as an emergency contact, they will not be allowed to pick up without proper documentation. 


    Request for Special Absence

    Occasionally, a student needs to be absent for a special reason (i.e. family trip, sports event, etc.).  A Pre-Arranged Absence Form should be obtained from the Attendance Office, signed by a Parent/Guardian, and returned to the ADA Clerk before the absence.  The completed form will then be submitted to the grade level principal for a status determination (excused or unexcused). 


    Viewing Your Student’s Attendance Records

    Parents can access current attendance data via the Home Access Center or via the Katy OnTheGo Mobile app.


    Truancy Enforcement

    Compulsory Attendance Notification (CAN) Letters

    If a student has 3 unexcused absences in a 4-week period or 6 unexcused absences in 6 months, the parent will receive a Compulsory Attendance Notification.  The parent should contact the attendance office to correct any errors. If the absences are not corrected and unexcused absences continue, further Truancy Prevention Measures may be taken. These warnings are the first steps in the process.


    Failure to Attend Letters/Doctor Note Required

    When a student’s absence for personal illness exceeds 5 consecutive days or a total of 8 days in a six-month period, the student shall present an original “doctor’s excuse” for any additional absences due to illness. For this reason, it is best to provide a doctor's note whenever possible.


    Attendance for Credit

    In addition to the statute related to compulsory attendance, a student must also be in compliance with the attendance for credit statute, which states that the student must be in attendance for at least 90% of the days a class is offered to gain credit or be promoted. All absences, excused and unexcused, are counted to determine attendance for credit.


    Attendance Clerk Info


    A person and person sitting at a tableDescription automatically generated


    Tara Aguilar

