• Transportation Information for NEW Students


    SMARTtag has been implemented to help Katy ISD provide safety and security for our students and their families. Previously, anyone could look up an address to find bus details. Now, the Web Query only shows if an address is eligible for transportation.


    Allowing students on buses without IDs undermines the program designed to ensure student safety. Without an ID, the driver does not know the correct stop for the student and Katy ISD has no way to track who is on the bus which would be critical in an emergency situation.


    Students should have an ID to ride the bus. Please assist the process by requiring students to utilize their IDs on the bus and replacing lost or damaged IDs in a timely manner. Encouraging adherence to this process helps maintain a secure environment for all students.


    Transportation Processes for New Students


    1.           Student ID Requirement: Newly registered students will not be able to utilize bus transportation until they are issued a student ID.


    2.           SMARTtag Integration: A student ID can only be issued once the student is properly imported into SMARTtag, which takes 24-48 hours.


    3.           Process Timeline:

                   Day 1: Student registers and is entered into eSchool.


                   Night of Day 1: Student data is imported into the Transportation’s routing software and processed. Student is imported into SMARTtag after midnight.


                   Day 2: Student data is in SMARTtag, and the campus can print the ID, and the student can begin riding the bus.


                   Day 2 or 3: If there were issues with the import, Transportation can fix those issues, and the student will properly import overnight.


    Parental Guidance: Parents should sign up for the SMARTtag app to receive notifications and monitor their child's route and bus stop location.


    Safety and Security: The SMARTtag system enhances student safety by ensuring only students with IDs are allowed on buses. This helps track students and ensures they get off at the correct stops.


    Action Required: Please ensure students use their IDs on the bus and replace lost or damaged IDs promptly. Your cooperation is essential in maintaining a secure environment for all students.