
  • Reporting a Full Day Absence

    Please report your student’s daily absence by completing our online absence form. If an absence does not meet the criteria of an excused absence or one of the extenuating circumstances specified in our board policy, the absence will be considered unexcused for attendance accounting purposes. 

    Absence Reporting Form


    Our doors open at 8:10 a.m. The tardy bell rings promptly at 8:30 a.m. Students must be in class, ready to learn at this time. Any students not in their classroom at 8:30 a.m. will be marked tardy. If it is after 8:30 a.m., students must be accompanied by a parent and check in the front office. All tardies are unexcused unless a written notice for an excused reason from a parent or doctor is submitted at the time of entry.

    Early Checkouts

    If your child is checked out before 9:55a.m., he/she will be absent. Any student that is checked out after 9:55 a.m. will have a partial day's absence. Please send a doctor's note back with your child and the partial day absence is excused. Any student that is checked out before the end of the day and does not go home ill or to a doctor's appointment will have an UNEXCUSED partial day absence. UNEXCUSED partial day absences will count against the student's exemplary attendance (perfect attendance).