Welcome Knight Parents!Email transportation changes to
Parents need to report their child absent daily on-line on NCE's homepage under "Families" and the link "Report an Absence" or by calling the attendance line at 281-237-5500 on the day of the absence only. A written note from the Parent/ Guardian/ Doctor must be submitted on the day the child returns from an absence. It is recommended that you call daily to report your child absent to prevent a Compulsory Attendance Notification letter from being generated for your child by the Katy ISD police department. All absences are considered UNEXCUSED until the proper notification and/or documents are turned in to the attendance office.
Students should be in their homerooms by 8:10 a.m. Please escort your child to the front office after 8:10.
Picking up your Child Early
If you are picking up your child early from school, this must be done by a parent before 2:40 each day. If you are taking your child to a doctor's appointment, please remember to ask for a doctor's note so that their time away from school is excused. Also remember that if anyone other than a parent or guardian is picking up a student, we must have written documentation ahead of time giving us permission to release your child. If you do not provide a doctor or dentist's excuse upon your child's return, the early pick-up will be unexcused and may affect your student's attendance.
If you are planning on withdrawing a student from NCE, please notify the Registrar at least 24 hours ahead of time with the date of the student's last day of attendance. That will allow me to get your withdrawal paperwork together and be available for pick-up. Please plan on picking up the paperwork on your child's last day of school here. In addition to needing your signature on the paperwork, you should also provide this copy to your child's new school.
Home Access Center (HAC)
The Home Access Center enables parents to access students' grades, assignments, test scores and absences, as well as allow parents to update basic contact information. If you are unable to log on to HAC, please contact the campus.
Jerri Sedelmeier, Registrar
Phone: 281.237.5505
Email: jerriasedelmeier@katyisd.orgValerie Kelley, Attendance and Textbook
Phone: 281.237.5509